U.S. Bill of Rights Turns 230

November 8, 2019 AFP Editor 2

The government routinely ignores the key tenets of this historic rights document. By John W. Whitehead It’s been 230 years since James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights—the first 10 amendments to the Constitution—as a […]

Pathologist Says Epstein Murdered

November 4, 2019 AFP Editor 5

Front-page story in AFP Issue 45&46, mailed out Friday and online now for digital subscribers: A highly respected former NYC medical examiner has alleged the injuries to famed pedophile Jeffrey Epstein are consistent with homicide.  […]

Impeach Kavanaugh?

November 2, 2019 AFP Editor 0

By S.T. Patrick In a blatantly partisan move that would continue to set precedents in the midst of our national political superstorm, Democrats have been very outspoken about the desire to impeach Justice Brett Kavanaugh […]

Bad Idea to Keep Poking Russians

November 1, 2019 AFP Editor 2

Tensions in the Black Sea could rise dramatically if U.S. agitation doesn’t stop. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts The neoconservatives who run U.S. foreign policy are now herding the U.S. out of the remaining arms […]

Fake News MSM Does CIA’s Bidding

October 29, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The New York Times admits that U.S. government approves what stories go into the rag. By S.T. Patrick The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of the press. The Bill of Rights was added […]

Obama Okayed Spying on Trump?

October 28, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Officials on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign were illegally surveilled. By Donald Jeffries Multiple senior Trump administration officials recently told Fox News that U.S. Attorney John Durham is conducting a wider inquiry into possible misconduct on […]

Is Brexit Done for Good?

October 25, 2019 AFP Editor 0

By Paul Craig Roberts When the British people voted to exit the European Union (EU) I said in many interviews and also in written columns that I doubted it would ever happen. It has been […]

Facebook Wants Censorship Powers

October 24, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Mark Zuckerberg declares his social media site a “fully censoring publisher.” By S.T. Patrick Facebook, like a digital Random House, is a publisher. Or, that’s how CEO Mark Zuckerberg now defines his social media conglomerate […]

U.S. Universities Bow to Pressure

October 24, 2019 AFP Editor 2

President Trump’s Education Department now says that protesting Israel is a “hate crime.” Incredibly many colleges and universities are bowing to pressure to limit activities of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. By Philip Giraldi […]

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