True conservatives are challenging the mainstream elites of “Conservative Inc.”
By John Friend
The civil war raging within the conservative movement in America is only growing stronger, as a younger, high-energy populist movement strictly dedicated to an America-first ideology continues to challenge the establishment GOP and mainstream conservative movement in a major way.
Frustrated with the current mainstream conservative movement, derisively referred to as “Conservative Inc.,” a younger generation of American populists and dissidents has been making major gains over the course of the past year. Led by outspoken activists and pundits such as Michelle Malkin and Nick Fuentes, the America-first movement recently announced the first ever America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC), scheduled to take place on the same weekend as CPAC, which has long been the top political event for the conservative movement.
The AFPAC event will take place after CPAC officially concludes on Feb. 28 in Washington, D.C. Scheduled speakers include the aforementioned Michelle Malkin and Nick Fuentes, as well as Scott Greer, a former editor of the “Daily Caller,” and Patrick Casey, the head of the American Identity Movement (AIM).
All announced speakers have faced censorship and ostracization from the mainstream conservative movement, largely for their loyalty to the America-first ideology, critiques of globalism, mass immigration, and America’s blatant subservience to the pro-Israel lobby, and general hostility toward political correctness, multiculturalism, and other dogmas promoted by the left, which are largely embraced by mainstream conservatism. Both Fuentes and Casey were banned from last year’s CPAC conference for their politically incorrect views and unwavering America-first ideology.
In recent months, Malkin has been ostracized from the broader conservative movement, largely due to her support for Fuentes and the America-first movement. Last fall, America-first activists began attending events organized by mainstream conservative organizations, including Turning Points USA and Young America’s Foundation (YAF), on college campuses across the country, and made a point to challenge the speakers on important and controversial issues during the public question and answer sessions. Many America-first activists asked politically incorrect questions about mass immigration, America’s unwavering support for Israel, and our disastrous foreign policy in the Middle East and the unending wars being waged there, among other controversial topics.
Malkin openly supported the America-first uprising, much to the chagrin of the Conservative Inc. establishment. She was soon after canceled as a speaker at YAF events and was denounced and banished from the mainstream conservative movement.
Malkin had also been a regular speaker at the annual CPAC event, delivering one of the most powerful and popular speeches of the conference just last year. This year, she announced that she would be covering the event on the ground as an independent journalist and then will be attending and speaking at the inaugural AFPAC.
“It’s about time for a real alternative to Conservative Inc’s annual pay-to-play confab,” Malkin told conservative news and commentary website “The Gateway Pundit” following her announcement.

“I was glad to be asked to speak at the inaugural America First Political Action Conference because college students, young workers, and free-thinking patriots need a voice and a venue for muscular nationalism immune from donor-class corruption.”
Fuentes and Casey have been accepting applications to attend the upcoming conference and are vetting potential attendees to ensure the event is not disrupted or sabotaged. According to Casey, the first round of invitations to attend AFPAC have been sent out.
“Due to space and security limitations, we’ll only be accommodating people who can be vouched for by one of the speakers,” Casey noted on his personal “Telegram” page. “I wish this weren’t necessary, but all it takes is one bad actor to receive an invite for us to potentially lose our venue.”
The AFPAC event represents an exciting step forward for the dissident right in America. Expect big things to come from the rising America-first movement in the coming weeks and months.
John Friend is a freelance author based in California.