DHS Says Antifa a Terror Group

October 7, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The government has finally caught on to the domestic terrorism threat posed by the far-left, neo-Bolshevik antifa network, which is consistently coddled by the leftist media. This is front-page news in the latest AFP, Issue […]

DMVs Make Millions Selling Your Data

October 6, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Thanks to the Orwellian “Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994,” we can now add our public DMVs to the list of entities selling our private data. Of the long list of buyers, unscrupulous private-eye firms […]

The Truth About America’s Gulags

October 4, 2019 AFP Editor 0

How did the American people become the most incarcerated in the world? And why is prison reform so far down the list of important issues for Americans? By S.T. Patrick American jails and prisons house […]

Israel Caught Spying on Trump?

October 4, 2019 AFP Editor 2

President Trump has denied a leaked report claiming Israel placed “stingray” spying devices around the White House, and is taking no action to punish the eavesdroppers. By John Friend In an explosive report published in […]

New Study: WTC 7 Didn’t Collapse from Fire

September 30, 2019 AFP Editor 2

At the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 crimes, a newly released study from the University of Alaska Fairbanks reveals that—as many “conspiracy theorists” have long maintained—fire did not cause the collapse of World Trade Center […]

Flynn Exonerated?

September 28, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Has a newly uncovered memo, withheld by the Department of Justice prosecution in violation of the court’s discovery order, cleared Trump advisor Michael Flynn? By Donald Jeffries The attorney for beleaguered Gen. Michael Flynn claims […]

Sanctuary Insanity

September 23, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Officials who are implementing sanctuary policies are responsible for robberies, rapes and murders committed by illegals. This “sanctuary insanity” made the front page of AFP Issue 39&40, in the mail to print subscribers and online […]

A Crisis in the Electoral College

September 20, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The Institution was created to ensure that states with smaller populations aren’t left out. Are small states in danger if anti-Electoral College forces win? By S.T. Patrick The Electoral College, one of the longest-standing constitutional […]

American Free Press Online Member Page

September 13, 2019 admin 0

  AMERICAN FREE PRESS Members’ Area The digital versions of the newspaper below are to be viewed in Adobe Reader or the full version of Acrobat. By left clicking on the word “View,” the newspaper will […]

Trump Winning on Law & Order Issue

September 11, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The left’s insistence that a tough stance on crime is racist could cost them the White House. By Patrick J. Buchanan Did President Donald Trump launch his Twitter barrage at Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) simply […]

Epstein ‘Suicide’ Proves Psychopaths Rule

September 5, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Rather than reporting on the conspiracies around Jeffrey Epstein’s death that make clear we’re ruled by psychopaths, big media is, as usual, attacking “conspiracy theorists,” including President Donald Trump.  By Dr. Kevin Barrett When Jeffrey […]

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