FBI Admits Infiltrating Trump Campaign

November 6, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The Bureau’s admission that it had operative(s) inside campaign absolves the president and potentially two of his high-profile allies, as well, Roger Stone and Michael Caputo. By S.T. Patrick According to a recent court filing, […]

2018 Could Be 2016 All Over Again

November 5, 2018 AFP Editor 2

With media predicting an “easy win” for Democrats and loss of control by Republicans, Phil Giraldi points out that “On issues that really matter the Democrats are still clueless.” If they lose again this time, […]

Go Home

November 5, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Who’s funding the massive caravan of migrants trying to invade the U.S.? Allegations George Soros is involved are no conspiracy theory. By John Friend The so-called “caravan” of Third World migrants marching their way through […]

Is This Worse Than ’68?

October 30, 2018 AFP Editor 0

A palpable sense of divisive anger and even hate seems to be growing throughout the U.S., but despite this, the overall crime rate for the country, including all acts of violence, remains at historic lows. […]

Elites Regretting Saudi Love Fest?

October 29, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Recent behavior of the psychopathic Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman has advocates questioning U.S. support, both from government and from the entertainment industry. By Richard Walker Elites in Hollywood, and in the board rooms of […]

Famed CFR Researcher Speaks Out About 9/11

October 25, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Renowned for his work on the Council on Foreign Relations, researcher and author James Perloff discusses the now-fractured 9/11 truth movement, 9/11 motives and perpetrators, and Greater Israel. By S. T. Patrick Seventeen years have […]

Nikki Haley for President?

October 24, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Israel-firsters are eyeing former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor Nikki Haley for president in 2020, but, as Philip Giraldi points out, “Haley did nothing to enhance American security and only succeeded in pandering to […]

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