GOP Elite Abandoning “Jeb” Bush

November 22, 2015 AFP 5

• As Bush’s chances fizzle, Republican handlers turn to Florida senator for White House bid. By Victor Thorn — Elite GOP planners banked on the likelihood that former Florida Governor John Ellis “Jeb” Bush would easily […]

Interview: Time to Finish Off Two-Party Tyranny

October 27, 2015 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn — With one Democratic and two Republican presidential debates now completed, many Americans are concerned that next year’s election will bring little more than the same faces and ideas, none of which […]

AFP Hosts Jim Traficant Memorial

September 18, 2015 AFP 2

• AFP-sponsored event in D.C. our own tribute to amazing Congressman. By Victor Thorn — On November 7, AMERICAN FREE PRESS will host a gathering and memorial to honor former United States Representative from Ohio James […]

Prison Cell, Not Oval Office for Hillary?

August 31, 2015 AFP 0

• FBI criminal investigation of Clinton should uncover multiple serious felonies. By Victor Thorn — What is the likelihood that Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton could end up behind bars for storing top-secret files on […]

15 Questions for The Donald

August 18, 2015 AFP 10

By Victor Thorn — Since announcing his presidential candidacy on June 16, billionaire real estate mogul Donald John Trump has sparked a nationwide debate on illegal immigration, dismissed Senator John Sidney McCain III’s status as […]

10 Questions for Bernie

August 18, 2015 AFP 2

By Victor Thorn — United States Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernard “Bernie” Sanders (I-Vt.) has spoken out against the banking cartel, anti-American global trade deals and the military-industrial-banking complex. He also stands behind American workers. […]

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