America Has Long History of Stolen Elections

September 5, 2016 AFP Editor 6

The most recent presidential primaries were eye-opening.  Donald Trump was victorious over Republican candidates including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was the clear establishment favorite to win. But conservative voters came out in droves […]

Hillary’s Emails and Mideast Policy; Not Even a Slap

July 19, 2016 AFP 4

• Israeli hegemony, rejection of diplomatic efforts are core planks of her policies. By Ronald L. Ray — Hillary Rodham Clinton, the unreformed socialist extremist, is also—oddly enough—the Trotskyite neoconservatives’ dream candidate for president of […]

Hillary & Bill’s War on Women

June 14, 2016 AFP 0

• Mrs. Clinton ran “terror campaign” to silence husband’s many victims. By Victor Thorn — In March 2008, during a radio interview, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, otherwise known as the D.C. Madam, warned: “I’m not planning […]

India’s Appalling Secret

May 17, 2016 AFP 1

• Levels of poverty and pollution shocking for wealthy nation. By Victor Thorn — Forget about Beijing as the world’s most polluted city. Delhi, along with the entire country of India, takes the cake as […]

RIP, Sweden. Cause of Death: Immigrants

April 26, 2016 AFP 6

• Massive influx of unassimilable immigrants, embrace of multiculturalism a disaster. By Victor Thorn — Sweden was once lauded as a Scandinavian utopia, but in a September 2010 United Nations (UN) Human Development Research Paper […]

GOP Establishment Created This Beast

April 4, 2016 AFP 0

• It’s wrong to blame Trump for anger of electorate. By Victor Thorn — For months, tired old GOP establishment hacks such as Republican operative Karl C. Rove, former Massachusetts Governor Willard Mitt Romney, Senator John […]

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