Grand Ole Populists

July 25, 2024 AFP Editor 0

By the AFP Staff Two days after facing a failed assassination attempt, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took to the stage at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisc., on July 15 to name Sen. […]

Why Didn’t Trump Release JFK Docs?

April 6, 2024 AFP Editor 2

By Donald Jeffries One of Donald Trump’s many unfulfilled promises was his vow to release the remaining classified files on the JFK assassination. Roger Stone assured this author in a 2015 phone conversation that Trump […]

Issue 9/10 News You May Have Missed

March 6, 2024 AFP Editor 0

Boots on the Ground On Feb. 26, at a gathering of European leaders in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron said that sending troops from Western countries into Ukraine is not “ruled out” in the future. […]

The Real Problem With Our Foreign Policy

December 28, 2023 AFP Editor 0

By Dr. Ron Paul Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently explained to the American people what’s really wrong with U.S. foreign policy. Some might find his conclusions surprising. Click the Link Below to Listen to the […]

What Will it Take to Impeach Biden?

August 8, 2023 AFP Editor 1

By Donald Jeffries It certainly seems as if President Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses. Weaponizing the Justice Department and the FBI, suspicious financial shenanigans in Ukraine, covering up his son Hunter’s own probable criminal […]

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