Bill Gates’s Global Vaccine Plan

May 27, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Billionaire says he would like to vaccinate, track every single person on the planet. By S.T. Patrick Whatever fantastic and fatalistic vision billionaire Bill Gates had for America and the world, his recent appearances in […]

What Does Winning Mean in a Forever War?

May 26, 2020 AFP Editor 3

By Patrick J. Buchanan When a Wall Street Journal editorial warned this week against any precipitous U.S. withdrawal that might imperil our gains in Afghanistan, an exasperated President Trump shot back: “Could someone please explain […]

Author Censored for Coronavirus Views

May 26, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By S.T. Patrick Researcher and globally popular conspiracy theorist and author David Icke is no stranger to feeling the hook of censorship. In early April, after Icke posted videos linking the spread of the coronavirus […]

Doctors Kill More Than Covid-19 Could?

May 26, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Whistleblower alleges patients are being killed by gross medical mismanagement. By Dr. Kevin Barrett “These people aren’t dying of Covid.” The speaker is Nicole Sirotek, a nurse from Elko, Nev. When she heard about the […]

The Undeclared War on Venezuela

May 19, 2020 AFP Editor 0

South American nation poses no threat to America, so why all the threats? By Phil Giraldi One might reasonably argue that the United States has been telling Latin America what to do ever since the […]


May 18, 2020 AFP Editor 0

The plot to sabotage Trump and frame Flynn may have started with Obama. Biden, Schiff, the FBI, and the CIA are all implicated in coordinated scheme. By John Friend Following the announcement on May 7 […]

States Opening, Trusting Citizens

May 14, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By Mark Anderson States including South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Arkansas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Oklahoma are emerging as the relatively “free states” whose leaders basically trust their people to exercise commonsense Covid-19 precautions without a […]

Michigan’s Dictator

May 13, 2020 AFP Editor 2

Gretchen Whitmer rules her state with an iron fist. By S.T. Patrick One of the epicenters of the anti-quarantine protests has been Lansing, Mich., home of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who enacted one of the […]

Harvard Professor Hits Homeschooling

May 13, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Liberal educators fear parents might get involved in countering leftist brainwashing. By S.T. Patrick What we now know is that when a country is in the midst of creating pandemic policy, all issues, new and […]

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