Memo to Trump: Defy Mueller

May 7, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Patrick Buchanan tells President Trump, Don’t testify. Ignore a subpoena, defy the courts if they compel you, but don’t testify. He explains, “The only institution that is empowered to prosecute a president is Congress,” and […]

Immigrant Caravan a Publicity Stunt

May 7, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The band of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the Southwestern border is being called a “propaganda ploy” designed to test U.S. resolve. How many of the “caravaners” are actually asylum-seekers from Central America?  […]

YouTube and the War Against Iran

May 3, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Was the YouTube shooter, Nassim Aghdam, a victim of the anti-Iran culture war?  By Kevin Barrett We are told that Nassim Aghdam, the woman who purportedly shot three people at the headquarters of the video […]

U.S. Attack on Syria Illegal, Immoral

May 2, 2018 AFP Editor 3

“Make no mistake,” says Phil Giraldi, “there are certain things that every American should know about the Syrian conflict.” First of all, it’s illegal and a war crime. By Philip Giraldi Here we go again. […]

Macron: The Last Multilateralist

May 1, 2018 AFP Editor 0

By Patrick J. Buchanan “Together,” President Macron instructed President Trump, “we can resist the rise of aggressive nationalisms that deny our history and divide the world.” Before Congress he denounced “extreme nationalism,” invoked the UN, […]

Progressives Should Defend Gun Rights

April 27, 2018 AFP Editor 1

It is “likely that new gun control laws will disproportionately harm African-Americans and other minorities” based on history, explains Ron Paul. It makes sense for progressives who are concerned about minority rights to join with […]

America’s Unsustainable Empire

April 24, 2018 AFP Editor 5

How long can America continue to expend our blood and treasure to sustain security commitments around the world? And how long should we keep trying to do so? Many would argue we should never have entered […]

Why the Authoritarian Right Is Rising

April 20, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Pat Buchanan asks a question on the minds of many watching election results around the world, especially those who fear the “rise of the right”:  “Why are autocrats rising and liberal democrats failing in Europe?” […]

Waco Massacre: Janet Reno’s Truth

April 19, 2018 AFP Editor 2

On this 25th anniversary of the massacre at the Branch Davidian Church near Waco, Texas, AFP concludes its series of articles looking back on that terrible time when U.S. military and law enforcement waged war […]

Robert Mueller’s Questionable Past

April 17, 2018 AFP Editor 4

Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Trump, was born, bred, and married into deep state spy families. As S. T. Patrick points out, “some of the more interesting reasons” to question Mueller’s current role may […]

Bolton Should Be Denied Clearance

April 12, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Newly appointed national security advisor John Bolton is anything but new when it comes to his efforts to foment war—anywhere and everywhere possible. Phil Giraldi says the warmonger Bolton, “supremely sure of himself and possessing […]

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