China Ready to Win War in Indo-Pacific

September 18, 2018 AFP Editor 5

America needs to abandon the dream of dominating realms halfway across the globe. By Richard Walker China’s massive military and naval expansion in the South China Sea and beyond means it may soon possess the […]

Why Are We Siding With al Qaeda?

September 14, 2018 AFP Editor 2

We’re siding with al Qaeda, who attacked us, to “regime-change” Iran, who didn’t attack us. Ron Paul points out this entire strategy makes no sense. By Dr. Ron Paul In my last column, I urged […]

Warning Shot Prevents Robbery of Pharmacy

September 13, 2018 AFP Editor 2

A Maryland pharmacist recently thwarted criminal druggies intent on robbing his store by firing a warning shot with his own handgun. By Mark Anderson While mainstream media aren’t always keen on reporting it, armed citizens, […]

Is Trump Going Neocon in Syria?

September 12, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Should the U.S. “engage Russian and Syrian forces militarily and force them to back off” of Idlib province? And has “the Assad-Putin-Rouhani coalition decided to accept the risk of a clash with the Americans in […]

Can’t We Just Leave Syria Alone?

September 10, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Good question. With Assad back in control of Idlib, hundreds of thousands of people have voluntarily returned to the city and are apparently enjoying peace and relative liberty. Clearly, Assad is not trying to gas […]

Christian Cakemaker Targeted

September 9, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Colorado is continuing to persecute a businessman even after a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling told them to knock it off. He’s fighting back, again, against the obvious attempts by the State of Colorado and individuals […]

Warhawks Leaderless?

September 8, 2018 AFP Editor 3

Could the death of warhawk-in-chief and lead coverup artist Senator John McCain usher in a new era of peace? By Patrick J. Buchanan “McCain’s Death Leaves Void” ran The Wall Street Journal headline over a […]

WikiLeaks Whistleblower Awaits Fate

September 7, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The fate of gutsy WikiLeaks founder and whistleblower Julian Assange rests in the hands of the government of Ecuador, first reported here in AFP’s Issue 33&34. Assange has lived at the Ecuadorian embassy in London […]

Regime Change—American Style

September 7, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Will 2019 be the year of the war of all against all? It’s looking like it. Buchanan asks whether the next generation will rise up and say, “Enough!” By Patrick J. Buchanan The campaign to overturn […]

Lewis Fountain Legal Notice

September 7, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Commercial NOTICE! Commercial— With All Inherent Rights NOTICE! To all Municipalities, Corporations; Local, National and International Governments; Congress’; STATES; U.S.; Agents; Agencies; Attorney’s; BAR associations; Exchequers; Judges; Persons; Vessels; Counties; Townships; Militaries; Courts; Courts Martials; […]

Way Too Easy to Alter

September 5, 2018 AFP Editor 0

An 11-year-old at a hacker convention changed the vote tally on a replica secretary of state election data website in under 10 minutes, and 30 other kids hacked similar sites in under 30 minutes. Are […]

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