Free Speech Almost Dead

June 27, 2015 AFP 6

• Educators sacked for voicing their opinions points to irrelevancy of free speech guarantees. By Dave Gahary — If you had any reservations that freedom of speech in the United States is a quaint concept […]

Globalists Form Battle Lines

June 2, 2015 AFP 2

• Sustainable development summit to set agenda for world control. By Ronald L. Ray — Maybe you thought you’d seen the summit of globalist gumption in the United Nations (UN) Agenda 21—the plan to herd […]

JADE HELM 15: Massive Military Exercise

June 1, 2015 AFP 10

By Dave Gahary — One has to be on guard when the mainstream media portrays everyone with an alternative view on just about anything as a “conspiracy theorist,” derisively of course. Take JADE HELM 15 […]

Fight the Vaccine Madness

June 1, 2015 AFP 10

• Time to fight back against mandatory requirements for vaccinations. By James Spounias — There is an agenda afoot to ensure that every child who attends public school receive vaccinations as a requirement for admission. […]

Uncle Sam’s Personal “Terror Factory”

May 26, 2015 AFP 0

• New book documents how FBI built vast informant network to infiltrate Muslim communities and cultivate phony terrorist plots. By John Tiffany — If someone believes that most, or all, “terrorists” are invented and created […]

49 U.S. Governors Request Refugees from Feds

May 25, 2015 AFP 4

• Small-town America targeted by culture distorters. By Jenifer Dixon — At a time when the United States suffers from record high joblessness, unprecedented debt and a failing economy, governors in 49 states across the […]

Iranian General Insists U.S. Did 9-11

May 16, 2015 AFP 6

By Ronald L. Ray — Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan is the commander of ground forces in the Iranian army. In a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015, the […]

Zionist Intrigue in Argentina Exposed

May 16, 2015 AFP 1

By Ronald L. Ray — What do Israeli imperialism in the Middle East, Zionist lobby groups and Wall Street vulture capitalism in Argentina have in common? They are all part of a vast conspiracy to […]

Liberal Black Rule the Problem, Not Law & Order

May 11, 2015 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn — Since President Barack Hussein Obama, Reverend Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and former Attorney General Eric Holder have chosen to interject themselves into racially inflammatory matters recently, maybe they should instruct black […]

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