Was the French Election Stolen?

May 9, 2017 AFP Editor 2

On May 7, after weeks of polls showing that conservative populist presidential candidate Marine Le Pen would win the presidential election in France, a young, liberal upstart, who just happens to have worked for the […]

Will Christianity Perish in Its Birthplace?

April 17, 2017 AFP Editor 3

“Liberated for democracy” by the U.S., Afghanistan is now among the world’s most deadly when it comes to persecution of Christians. In Iraq and Syria, which once tolerated and even embraced Christians, hundreds of thousands are now fleeing for their […]

Are Hate Crimes Really on the Rise in America?

February 26, 2017 AFP Editor 6

There’s been a quiet but not surprising way that radical leftist groups and their advocates in government account for so-called “hate.” Instead of labeling them “crimes,” which are investigated by police and often disproven, they […]

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