The Waco Massacre

February 8, 2018 AFP Editor 3

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the massacre at the Branch Davidian Church near Waco, Texas, AFP begins a series of articles to look back on that terrible time when U.S. military and […]

Anybody But Romney

February 1, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts who lost both the 2008 Republican presidential primary to John McCain and the 2012 presidential election to Barack Obama, has since stayed mainly out of politics. But now, […]

Is Flynn’s Defection a Death Blow?

December 7, 2017 AFP Editor 2

The media is “slavering like Pavlov’s dogs” over the revelation that Gen. Mike Flynn lied to the FBI about a conversation with Russia. But if the establishment succeeds in taking down President Trump, the question is, […]

Obama DoJ Funneled Money to Leftists

November 17, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Emails written by President Obama’s Department of Justice confirm the administration forced predatory banks to pay $1 billion, which was then funneled to the Clinton Foundation and some of the administration’s favorite radical groups. By […]

That Bloodbath in the Old Dominion

November 10, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Pat Buchanan offers sage advice for the GOP and a historical reminder, given Republican losses in this week’s Virginia elections.  By Patrick J. Buchanan The day after his “Silent Majority” speech on Nov. 3, 1969, […]

Democrats Behind Fake News Dossier

November 7, 2017 admin 0

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC have been tied to the bogus report on Trump’s “deep, compromising ties to Russia,” which even former FBI Director James Comey called “salacious and unverified,” that was released before […]

City Insider Reveals Why Lee Yanked

October 12, 2017 admin 7

Former Dallas City Council member Sandra Crenshaw explains how a bevy of cultural communists worked to get the general’s statue pulled from its place of honor in Dallas. By Dave Gahary Sandra Crenshaw, a black, […]

Inside the Poison Papers

August 25, 2017 AFP Editor 0

“Poison Papers” is the sadly appropriate name for an online compilation of documents that reveal decades of government cover-ups on the use of toxic chemicals, collusion between the chemical industry and regulatory agencies, deceit, incompetence, fraud, and […]

Charlottesville: Gladio Meets Cointelpro?

August 23, 2017 AFP Editor 3

Thinking people who have watched any video of the violent clashes in the streets of Charlottesville, Va. surrounding the legally permitted Unite the Right rally and Antifa’s “counter-protest” are surely scratching their heads along with […]

Is the West Facing a Forever War?

June 7, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Random killings of people on the streets, completely unknown to the murderer, has become the latest brand of Islamist terrorism now haunting the West with increasing frequency. When will imams worldwide join together to condemn this […]

WikiLeaker Revealed?

May 19, 2017 AFP Editor 4

A private detective in Washington, D.C., investigating the unsolved murder last year of DNC staffer Seth Rich, claims to know who leaked Democrats’ emails—and it is not Russia … By John Friend New evidence and […]

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