U.S. Sabotages Peace Efforts

June 11, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Vladimir Putin’s attempts to foster global amity are being thwarted by U.S. warmongers while the presstitute media misrepresents “the destruction of peace agreements as necessary actions to protect Americans and the world from rogue states.” […]

Lebanon Threatened With Genocide

May 27, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Hezbollah has become a major power broker in Lebanon, explains Richard Walker, after winning big in the recent election—prompting immediate threats of genocide by an Israeli politician called “more dangerous than Hezbollah.” By Richard Walker […]

Is U.S. Bellicosity Backfiring?

May 26, 2018 AFP Editor 0

With the Singapore summit now scuttled, North Korea issuing vaguely threatening references to nuclear war in response to VP Mike Pence’s incendiary remarks, and Mike Pompeo issuing outrageous “demands” of Iran, it’s looking more and […]

Was FDR a Victim of Assassination?

May 9, 2018 AFP Editor 3

While FDR was pronounced dead of a massive cerebral hemorrhage by his cardiologist, a new book from Steve Ubaney, author of the Who Murdered . . . ? series, believes the evidence tells quite a different story. Ubaney […]

Memo to Trump: Defy Mueller

May 7, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Patrick Buchanan tells President Trump, Don’t testify. Ignore a subpoena, defy the courts if they compel you, but don’t testify. He explains, “The only institution that is empowered to prosecute a president is Congress,” and […]

Waco Massacre: Janet Reno’s Truth

April 19, 2018 AFP Editor 2

On this 25th anniversary of the massacre at the Branch Davidian Church near Waco, Texas, AFP concludes its series of articles looking back on that terrible time when U.S. military and law enforcement waged war […]

Is Trump Assembling a War Cabinet?

March 30, 2018 AFP Editor 3

It would seem President Trump does not remember the history Candidate Trump seemed to understand, given his choices of cabinet members who support war and more war and seem intent on bombing Iran—sooner than later.  […]

Will the Deep State Break Trump?

March 27, 2018 AFP Editor 2

It is evident that powerful players intend to destroy President Donald Trump. Similar to the “deep state conspiracy” that eventually took down President Nixon, Buchanan explains, “If you wish to see the deep state at […]

Is the GOP Staring at Another 1930?

March 20, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Pat Buchanan warns, “The party of ‘tax and tax, spend and spend, and elect and elect’ appears to be reaching the end of its tether. Federal deficits are rising toward trillion-dollar levels,” even as the […]

Fatal Delusions of Western Man

March 5, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Regarding trade imports from China, Buchanan says, “We fed the tiger, and created a monster.” Elites of both parties are responsible for this “epochal blunder,” and he says the import of millions of immigrants will […]

The Eternal Lure of Nationalism

February 28, 2018 AFP Editor 0

While the global elites continue to argue we must become “one happy global family” for the good of the planet, people everywhere are choosing nationalism instead. Examples from the winter Olympic games, Putin’s popularity, the […]

Is That Russia Troll Farm an Act of War?

February 20, 2018 AFP Editor 2

President Trump says Russians are laughing at the “revelations” from Mueller’s investigation that a Russian “troll farm” used social media to influence the 2016 election–through never in support of Hillary Clinton. Yet Democrats are screaming […]

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