The Late Hit on Judge Kavanaugh

September 22, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Whatever comes of this accusation against Kavanaugh, Buchanan’s take on this “late hit” is valid: “What is being done here stinks. It is a transparently late hit, a kill shot to assassinate a nominee … Palpable […]

NWO Goes Local to Circumvent Trump

September 21, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Global warming fanatics are trying to reverse the president’s 2017 dismissal of the Paris climate agreement by engaging local governments to impact international issues—regardless of the U.S. Constitution. By Mark Anderson The Global Climate Action […]

Why Are We Siding With al Qaeda?

September 14, 2018 AFP Editor 2

We’re siding with al Qaeda, who attacked us, to “regime-change” Iran, who didn’t attack us. Ron Paul points out this entire strategy makes no sense. By Dr. Ron Paul In my last column, I urged […]

Can’t We Just Leave Syria Alone?

September 10, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Good question. With Assad back in control of Idlib, hundreds of thousands of people have voluntarily returned to the city and are apparently enjoying peace and relative liberty. Clearly, Assad is not trying to gas […]

Warhawks Leaderless?

September 8, 2018 AFP Editor 3

Could the death of warhawk-in-chief and lead coverup artist Senator John McCain usher in a new era of peace? By Patrick J. Buchanan “McCain’s Death Leaves Void” ran The Wall Street Journal headline over a […]

Trump Right About John Brennan

August 31, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The former CIA director’s security clearance should have been pulled long ago, maintains former CIA analyst Philip Giraldi. President Trump should go a step further, he argues, and pull the security clearance of everyone who […]

Russian Witch Hunt Never Ends

August 22, 2018 AFP Editor 2

What the mainstream is saying about “Russian spy” Maria Butina is fake news. By Phil Giraldi I am somewhat perplexed about the furor over alleged “Russian spy” Maria Butina, a 29-year-old Russian woman currently living […]

Did Tariffs Make America Great?

July 28, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Pat Buchanan offers an American history lesson to remind us what made America the world’s greatest economic power in the first place. He explains it was economic patriotism that put America first, that made America […]

RFK Jr. Strikes at Deep State

July 18, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Kennedy scion Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has penned a book calling for a new investigation into father’s assassination, and into Sirhan Sirhan’s guilt—or innocence—in that crime. By S.T. Patrick Early in the morning on June […]

Neo-Bolshevik Thugs Get Free Pass

July 7, 2018 AFP Editor 1

A California court has let violent thugs associated with antifa off the hook for violent attacks against Trump supporters, yet again. By John Friend A jury found five self-described antifascist activists not guilty of two […]

Has the West the Will to Survive?

June 22, 2018 AFP Editor 0

In a speech earlier this week, President Donald Trump rightfully said countries that do not have the strength to do the difficult things it needs to do to survive will cease to exist. Is this […]

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