Thinking people who have watched any video of the violent clashes in the streets of Charlottesville, Va. surrounding the legally permitted Unite the Right rally and Antifa’s “counter-protest” are surely scratching their heads along with us, wondering why law enforcement not only failed to keep the two opposing groups separate, but apparently pushed them together–all while standing back and watching the assaults happen without taking action to prevent or stop the mayhem. Kevin Barrett offers one explanation, based in well-documented history, to explain why the event may have unfolded as it did.
By Kevin Barrett
America’s liberal mainstream media is blaming violence in Charlottesville on the so-called alt-right. According to the dominant narrative, crazed neo-Nazi hooligans descended on a quiet college town and started beating people up and running people over. But when a violent, galvanizing, hyper-mediated event occurs, and the mainstream immediately tells us who to blame, I immediately think of 9/11 and all the other false-flag outrages that have done so much damage to our country.
As I wrote in the immediate aftermath of the Charlottesville clashes:
The recent ultraviolence in Charlottesville bears some of the hallmarks of a contrived event: It was shocking, spectacular, hyped by mainstream media, and seemingly designed to cast blame on a demonized ‘other’ (in this case, the alt-right white nationalist movement). Additionally, it could be seen as furthering a ‘strategy of tension’ pitting left against right, multiculturalism against racial nationalism, Bernie Sanders extremists against Donald Trump extremists, and so on.
Deep-state operations designed to polarize societies pursue a “strategy of tension.” They manipulate public opinion by making their opponents, whether on the left or the right, look like violent, dangerous extremists.
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Operation Gladio, a Pentagon program run through NATO, pursued this “strategy of tension” in Cold War-era Europe. Infiltrating and manipulating both right-wing and left-wing groups, deep-state operators incited terrorism and violence, thereby discrediting opposition to NATO-bankster rule and frightening voters into supporting the establishment.
Swiss professor Daniele Ganser and other researchers have shown that virtually all of the “left-wing terrorism” in Europe during the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s was actually perpetrated by Operation Gladio. Likewise, most “right-wing violence” was also a Gladio product.
Could Cointelpro, a domestic U.S. equivalent of Operation Gladio, be infiltrating both white nationalist groups and their “Antifa” opposition? Undoubtedly. Could deep-state operators be fomenting violence in an effort to discredit populism? Quite possibly.
The 2016 presidential elections delivered a slap to the face of America’s deep-state elite. Left-wing populist Bernie Sanders trounced Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary and could only be kept out of the White House through election fraud. Right-wing populist Donald Trump won an overwhelming, fraud-proof victory in the Republican primaries, then defied polls and pundits by winning the general election.
Populism is surging. Elites are panicking. The mainstream media’s stranglehold over public opinion is eroding.
America’s self-appointed platonic guardians are scrambling to adjust to the new reality. They appear to be resorting to ever-more-extreme measures in a desperate effort to shore up their dominance.
Their primary target is free speech on the Internet. The Trump-Sanders phenomenon was the result of 15 years of alternative media chipping away at consensus reality in general and the official story of 9/11 in particular. A deep sentiment of mistrust now pervades the populace.
The Platonic Guardians and the deep state they rule are desperately seeking ways to muzzle Internet-based alternative media. During the past several months, their pet CIA search engine, Google, has been systematically tweaked in an effort to hide alternative news websites from the general public. This has resulted in a 60% decline in readership for such truth-telling websites as GlobalResearch.ca. The deep state is also trying to cut truth-tellers’ financial lifelines by such means as removing AFP’s credit card processing capabilities, nuking my GoFundMe platform, orchestrating the suspension of truth-seeking academicians like Professor Anthony Hall and Joy Karega from universities, banning history books from Amazon, removing alternative media from YouTube advertising programs, and otherwise trying to starve truth-seekers into submission.
But these attacks on alternative media can only be effective to the extent that public opinion acquiesces. To overcome America’s traditional affinity for free speech, as enshrined in the Bill of Rights, the deep state needs to convince the public that the Internet is populated by dangerous, violent extremists who must be muzzled in the name of public safety and “homeland security.”
And that is where events like Charlottesville come in. Observers have noted that heavily militarized police and National Guard units initially showed up in force—then conveniently disappeared just before the violence was incited.
And why were demonstrators allowed to carry weapons? Normally police prevent marchers from carrying objects that could be used as fighting implements. Yet Charlottesville demonstrators carried pepper spray, clubs, weaponizable torches, and so on.
Finally, why does big media obsessively focus on certain self-appointed “leaders” who do everything they can to make the alt-right look bad?
Could the people who benefit the most from “populist” violence—the anti-populist elite—be up to their usual tricks?
Kevin Barrett, Ph.D., is an Arabist-Islamologist scholar and one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. From 1991 through 2006, Dr. Barrett taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin. In 2006, however, he was attacked by Republican state legislators who called for him to be fired from his job at the University of Wisconsin-Madison due to his political opinions. Since 2007, Dr. Barrett has been informally blacklisted from teaching in American colleges and universities. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, public speaker, author, and talk radio host. He lives in rural western Wisconsin.
Just like in Charlottesville Virginia, peaceful anti-Globalization protesters converged on another American city as violence erupted when pro-Globalization domestic terrorist surrounded and attacked at least five anti-Globalization demonstrators in Berkeley, CA.
The group of Globalists of more than 100 hooded protesters, with shields emblazoned with the words “no hate” and waving a flag identifying themselves as Globalists, “walked through the police lines.” Thus, the Globalist got a free pass by police, including their weapons.
Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood defended how police handled the protest, saying they made a strategic decision to let the Globalists enter to avoid more violence.
Greenwood said to The Associated Press: “the potential use of force became very problematic” given the thousands of peaceful anti-Globalization protesters in the park. Once the Globalists arrived, it was clear there would not be dueling protests between Globalists and ant- Globalists so he ordered his officers out of the park and allowed the Globalists to march in.
Among those assaulted was Joey Gibson, the leader of the anti- Globalization Patriot Prayer group, which canceled a Saturday rally and was then prevented from holding a news conference when authorities closed off the public square Gibson planned to use.
Obviously, the pro-Globalization ruffians attacking the peaceful protests carried out by the anti-Globalization crowd are nothing but excuses in the form of “Martial Law” ready to be unleashed on the unsuspecting population, residing at the moment inside the Trojan Horse ridden by Donald Pinocchio Trump.
Actually, Donald Trump is the Judas Iscariot of America.
While pretending to put America First, Trump refuses to prosecute and jail those violent pro-Globalization domestic terrorists disrupting the people peaceable assemblies as granted to them by the Fist Amendment to the US Constitution.
The facts testify that liar, liar Donald Pinocchio Trump is another domestic terrorists in disguise, and the Puppet in Chief of the bellicose and murderous Zionist fake Jewish Banking Oligarchs in control of the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Government since 1913.
http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=81822 Antifa Members Are Now Protesting George Soros Demanding Their Payments
America is being played and this game is for keeps. Real news and sane public opinion are being suppressed just like they were at the beginning of the War for Southern Independence by “our greatest president, gag, Abraham Lincoln”. The powers that be – above the president, the Congress and the courts – do not just want a war of words. They know they can’t win that. They want blood in the streets, shock and awe, desperation for the guvmint to do SOMETHING! That “do something” will be the willful surrendering of our rights to the ones that hate that we have them. What must be done is to call them out, even if it takes accepting a bullet in the head!