INTERVIEW: Will Duke Name Names?

January 25, 2015 AFP 2

• David Duke says his stance on Israel earns ire of mainstream. • Says he’s rubbed shoulders with many politicians over the years. By Victor Thorn — On December 30, 2014, Louisiana writer Lamar White, Jr. […]

Was Terrorist Attack False Flag on France?

January 20, 2015 AFP 22

• France puts itself in the bull’s eye over pro-Palestine policy. By Dave Gahary — Suspicion is growing in the alternative media that the January 7, 2015 attacks on the Paris headquarters of the satirical […]

Bush vs. Clinton in 2016 . . .

January 20, 2015 AFP 7

• Say it ain’t so: Will America be subjected to four—or eight—years of Jeb or Hillary? By Victor Thorn — The very real possibility of a Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton face-off in the 2016 […]

Cops Our Last Line of Defense

January 12, 2015 AFP 2

• Here’s the real story of the groups urging blacks to take revenge on America’s policemen. By Victor Thorn — On the afternoon of December 20, 2014, New York City police officers Rafael Ramos and […]

Shopping in the Surveillance State

December 21, 2014 AFP 1

By Victor Thorn — So-called self-checkout registers have become ubiquitous in stores across the country. But be careful. Some people have been raising alarms, warning Americans that these seemingly convenient machines that get customers to […]

INTERVIEW: Hope on the Range

November 23, 2014 AFP 4

• Gutsy Nevada rancher, supporters refuse to bow to Feds. By Victor Thorn — Earlier this spring, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy successfully beat back Bureau of Land Management (BLM) officials’ attempts to seize his cattle […]

INTERVIEW: Facts Fly Fast and Furious

November 16, 2014 AFP 2

• Government quietly releases 64,000+ pages on Fast and Furious gunrunning debacle. • Did Eric Holder resign in pathetic bid to avoid criminal prosecution over illegal op? By Victor Thorn — On November 4, while […]

Obama’s Big Government Entitlement State Failing

October 26, 2014 AFP 2

• 38% of able-bodied Americans 16 and over not working. By Victor Thorn — As voters look ahead to two upcoming elections—November’s midterms and the 2016 presidential race—they must ask themselves a question: After six […]

The Ebola Enigma

October 19, 2014 AFP 12

• Former CIA insider warned of staged Ebola outbreak. • Academic alleges EVD a result of bio-terror experiment.  By Victor Thorn — There has been a lot of talk that the mainstream media is exaggerating […] Targeted by Censors

October 11, 2014 AFP 8

• Thought police “gatekeeper mafia” pushing book-selling behemoth to censor content. By Victor Thorn — Amazon, the billion-dollar online bookseller, stands as a test case in regard to whether free expression or Orwellian suppression will […]

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