Portland Antifa: Paid Provocateurs?

July 23, 2019 AFP Editor 2

Both sides of violent protests are being funded by powerful, wealthy Zionist groups. Why? By Dr. Kevin Barrett On June 29, a few dozen Proud Boys demonstrators congregated at Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland, Ore. […]

The Buzz About ‘Bee Cities’

July 22, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The number of “Bee Cities” is growing across the U.S. and Canada, which is good news for the future of pollinators, which are necessary to our food chain. By Mark Anderson The “Bee City” movement […]

Reparations Queen Busted

July 21, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The senator’s family owned slaves and a Jamaican plantation, according to her father.  By John Friend Reparations for slavery have quickly become a hot button political issue, with the House holding hearings on the topic […]

Cover-Up Artist?

July 20, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris hid the truth about the RFK assassination while attorney general of Califonia. By Donald Jeffries Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) garnered fawning media accolades after the first Democratic Party presidential debates. […]

Israel’s Choice for U.S. President

July 18, 2019 AFP Editor 3

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is the most ardently pro-Zionist GOP politician and surely Israel’s Choice for president. By Philip Giraldi In late June, President Donald Trump flailed away with his own particular brand of […]

Mueller Never Investigated Rich Murder

July 17, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The former spy chief ignored Assange’s allegations and instead pushed his own conspiracy theory. By S.T. Patrick Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, almost exactly three years ago. It’s a mystifying murder investigation, […]

CIA Panicking Over ‘Russiagate’

July 16, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The Agency is concerned declassification of Russiagate-related documents could expose its political agenda. By Donald Jeffries A June 30 article by Shane Harris, The Washington Post’s successor to longtime CIA crony George Lardner, reveals that […]

Hate Crime Hoaxes

July 15, 2019 AFP Editor 1

A report by a political science professor at Kentucky State University reveals an epidemic of fake hate crimes perpetrated by “victims.” By John Friend In this era of fake news and manufactured crises, it should […]

China Rigs the Game

July 14, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The Chinese government uses many methods to kill competition. By Rick Manning All of those who get worked up over negligible increases in U.S. tariffs on Chinese-made goods, please remember this basic fact: China rigs […]

Watchdog Keeps Hounding Trump

July 13, 2019 AFP Editor 0

William Gheen and ALIPAC want the president to own up to his campaign promises. By Donald Jeffries While many conservative groups have ignored Donald Trump’s continuing flip-flops and broken promises on the issue of immigration, […]

Small Meat Processors May Get Break

July 13, 2019 AFP Editor 0

May 2019 PRIME Act proposal would allow states to decide proper regulations for meat processing. By Mark Anderson Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), along with Maine’s Rep. Chellie Pingree (D) and Sen. Angus King Jr. (I), […]

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