Behind Trump’s Exasperation

June 12, 2018 AFP Editor 0

President Trump is understandably frustrated with G-7 leaders’ expectations that the U.S. will continuously fund their nations’ security while they “rip us off on trade.” By Patrick J. Buchanan At the G-7 summit in Canada, […]

Activists Target Another FAU Scholar

June 12, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Florida Atlantic University professor Dr. Marshall DeRosa is being harassed over his politically incorrect Southern scholarship and prison outreach efforts as part of the left’s perpetual attacks on the Koch brothers. By S. T. Patrick […]

U.S. Sabotages Peace Efforts

June 11, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Vladimir Putin’s attempts to foster global amity are being thwarted by U.S. warmongers while the presstitute media misrepresents “the destruction of peace agreements as necessary actions to protect Americans and the world from rogue states.” […]

They Disagree on Everything But Israel

June 6, 2018 AFP Editor 4

The U.S. legislators voting to gut the U.S. Constitution to promote “free speech” for Israel may be trying to help Israel, but some believe they’re committing treason.  By Philip Giraldi There is currently considerable agitation […]

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