Obama’s War on Police Is for Real

August 17, 2016 AFP 2

By Robert Romano — The Obama administration has been using the controversial practice of sue and settle to engage in a federal takeover of local police and corrections departments. The way the regime works is […]

Obama Accused of Sabotaging IRS Probe

August 17, 2016 AFP 2

• D.C. watchdog group says president played key role in undermining probe into IRS abuses. By John Friend — Beginning in 2013, the Obama administration engaged in a widespread and coordinated effort to target certain […]

Is Donald Trump the ‘Peace President’?

August 17, 2016 AFP 7

• American public supports Trump’s non-interventionist foreign policy stances. By Patrick J. Buchanan — With Democrats howling that Vladimir Putin hacked into and leaked those 19,000 Democratic National Convention emails to help Trump, The Donald […]

World Suffers When U.S. Makes War

August 17, 2016 AFP 4

• Rights group says Israel, United States worst abusers of human beings on the planet. By Paul Craig Roberts — Human Rights Watch (HRW) has just released its report, “Extreme Measures: Abuses Against Children Detained […]

Mass Shootings Skyrocket Under Obama

August 2, 2016 AFP 2

• Exaggerations, inflammatory language spur unprecedented violence, cop killings. By Dave Gahary — Since President Barack Hussein Obama took office in 2008, he has taken every opportunity to politicize mass shootings, often times using highly […]

An Army of U.S. Occupation

August 2, 2016 AFP 1

• Zionist groups want to turn U.S. cops into trained killers. By Ronald L. Ray — It is no secret that law enforcement in recent decades has changed in the United States. The increasing surveillance […]

Startling New Trends in Illegal Immigration

August 1, 2016 AFP 7

• Mexicans account for only about half of all nationalities sneaking into America. By John Friend — According to recent statistics released by the United States Border Patrol, fewer than half of those apprehended along […]

The U.S. Congress: GMO Sellouts

July 24, 2016 AFP 5

• Congress overrules state voters on food labeling. By James Spounias — AMERICAN FREE PRESS has extensively covered the movement to have genetically modified organisms (GMOs) labeled. In the past few years, a number of […]

Hillary’s Emails and Mideast Policy; Not Even a Slap

July 19, 2016 AFP 4

• Israeli hegemony, rejection of diplomatic efforts are core planks of her policies. By Ronald L. Ray — Hillary Rodham Clinton, the unreformed socialist extremist, is also—oddly enough—the Trotskyite neoconservatives’ dream candidate for president of […]

Reporter Fired for Crime Comments

July 18, 2016 AFP 8

• Award-winning journalist dismissed for benign comment about black-on-black violence. By John Friend — An award-winning journalist who was fired in late March from WTAE-TV, a local Pittsburgh-based ABC news affiliate, is suing her former […]

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