Barack’s Big-Ticket Boondoggle

February 19, 2018 AFP Editor 2

The planned Obama presidential library in Chicago, dubbed “Obamaland,” is an extravagant waste of taxpayer dollars, in a city that is already at the financial breaking point. And do W’s signed baseballs or Walt Disney […]

Trump – Middle American Radical

February 15, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Many think of Donald Trump as a conservative Republican. Yet this is not the case, explains Pat Buchanan, who refers to an article arguing a more accurate description is “radical anti-progressive.” So who is this […]

The Waco Massacre

February 8, 2018 AFP Editor 3

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the massacre at the Branch Davidian Church near Waco, Texas, AFP begins a series of articles to look back on that terrible time when U.S. military and […]

Nunes Duels the Deep State

February 6, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Given the assorted cover-ups, lies, omissions, obfuscations, and now demotions and firings at the FBI, is it any wonder Americans have quit trusting the bureau . . . and pretty much every other political entity […]

National Defense Strategy Is Offensive

February 5, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Defense Secretary James Mattis recently delivered “bombastic” remarks on the U.S.’s new National Defense Strategy report, which former spook Philip Giraldi calls “occasionally . . . actually delusional” and “bizarre.” His remarks have again revealed […]

Anybody But Romney

February 1, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts who lost both the 2008 Republican presidential primary to John McCain and the 2012 presidential election to Barack Obama, has since stayed mainly out of politics. But now, […]

The Last Fed Chairman?

January 31, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Jerome Powell has his hands full as he steps into the role of Federal Reserve Chairman. Tireless monetary reformer and watchdog Ron Paul warns, “The economy may seem to have recovered, but the recovery is […]

Too Many Wars. Too Many Enemies.

January 30, 2018 AFP Editor 1

NATO is staring down “the worst crisis in its history,” says Pat Buchanan, and the U.S. decision on whether to stand with the Kurds against Turkish aggression or abandon the Kurds will determine if NATO […]

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