49 U.S. Governors Request Refugees from Feds

May 25, 2015 AFP 4

• Small-town America targeted by culture distorters. By Jenifer Dixon — At a time when the United States suffers from record high joblessness, unprecedented debt and a failing economy, governors in 49 states across the […]

Big Banks Get Caught, Fined $6B

May 20, 2015 AFP 1

According to Reuters, “Five of the world’s largest banks . . . were fined roughly $5.7 billion, and four of them pleaded guilty to U.S. criminal charges over manipulation of foreign exchange rates, authorities said […]

Help Defeat Trade Deal, Now

May 17, 2015 AFP 1

By Mark Anderson — It’s time to call Congress—big time. Don’t for a moment fret and say “they never listen,” because members of Congress simply need to hear from enough everyday citizens right now—to finally […]

Iranian General Insists U.S. Did 9-11

May 16, 2015 AFP 6

By Ronald L. Ray — Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan is the commander of ground forces in the Iranian army. In a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015, the […]

Zionist Intrigue in Argentina Exposed

May 16, 2015 AFP 1

By Ronald L. Ray — What do Israeli imperialism in the Middle East, Zionist lobby groups and Wall Street vulture capitalism in Argentina have in common? They are all part of a vast conspiracy to […]

What Exactly Killed Baltimore Drug Dealer?

May 11, 2015 AFP 13

By John Friend — As mayhem and destruction consumed the city of Baltimore, Maryland following the still unexplained death of black criminal Freddie Gray, unconfirmed reports are emerging that Gray’s “life-ending injuries to his spine […]

Liberal Black Rule the Problem, Not Law & Order

May 11, 2015 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn — Since President Barack Hussein Obama, Reverend Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and former Attorney General Eric Holder have chosen to interject themselves into racially inflammatory matters recently, maybe they should instruct black […]

Riots Prediction Rings True

May 11, 2015 AFP 3

• Book warns more racial violence will hit U.S. cities. By Victor Thorn — When this author predicted in AMERICAN FREE PRESS’s latest bestselling book, America’s Racial Powder Keg, that the United States would erupt […]

Stand With Cops—But Against Police State

May 10, 2015 AFP 3

By Mark Anderson — Today, the police, who are responsible for maintaining law and order in the worst parts of the country, have become a punching bag for the mainstream media and professional activists, taking […]

Israel’s Dirty Nuclear Secrets

May 4, 2015 AFP 0

• How Netanyahu became a nuclear terrorist and Russia became Iran’s ally. By Ronald L. Ray — In the sociopathic mind of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, any Middle Eastern country seeking to defend itself […]

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