America Has Long History of Stolen Elections

September 5, 2016 AFP Editor 6

The most recent presidential primaries were eye-opening.  Donald Trump was victorious over Republican candidates including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was the clear establishment favorite to win. But conservative voters came out in droves […]

Death by Doctor: A Hidden Holocaust

August 22, 2016 AFP 4

• More than 250,000 people killed every year by doctors’ mistakes in U.S. alone. By James Spounias — Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, according to Dr. Martin […]

Reduce Government 80%

August 1, 2016 AFP 3

• Constitution Party Candidate Hits Trump, Clinton. • Says Return to Rule of Law the Smartest Path. By Mark Anderson — WYOMING, Michigan—On July 21, AMERICAN FREE PRESS caught up with Constitution Party (CP) presidential […]

Too Much Aid for Israel, Says Public

May 2, 2016 AFP 3

• Three-fifths of Americans now oppose massive wealth transfer to Zionist state. By Ronald L. Ray — A majority of Americans are convinced that the apartheid, terrorist, genocidal, rogue nuclear state of Israel receives too much […]

Bilderberg 2016 Back in Virginia?

April 1, 2016 AFP 2

• But UK, other sites still under scrutiny. By Mark Anderson — Tentatively speaking, those delightfully “Democratic” chums who comprise the super-exclusive Bilderberg Group have again selected the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, […]

Killing Trump

March 16, 2016 AFP 1

• GOP, corporate execs, big donors meet behind closed doors, Bilderberg style, to take down Trump. By Mark Anderson — Top legislators, including United States House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), met secretly with […]

AMA Urges Ban on Drug Ads

February 25, 2016 AFP 0

• Doctors group concerned Big Pharma more worried about profits than cures. By James Spounias — It is with irony that in November 2015 the American Medical Association (AMA) urged a ban on direct-to-consumer advertising […]

Land of the Greed; Home of the Slave

January 22, 2016 AFP 1

• Who can put America back on a path to greatness? By Paul Craig Roberts — One hundred years ago European civilization, as it had been known, was ending its life in the Great War, […]

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