Waco Massacre: Janet Reno’s Truth

April 19, 2018 AFP Editor 2

On this 25th anniversary of the massacre at the Branch Davidian Church near Waco, Texas, AFP concludes its series of articles looking back on that terrible time when U.S. military and law enforcement waged war […]

Trump – Middle American Radical

February 15, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Many think of Donald Trump as a conservative Republican. Yet this is not the case, explains Pat Buchanan, who refers to an article arguing a more accurate description is “radical anti-progressive.” So who is this […]

Congress Reauthorizes NSA Spying on Americans

January 18, 2018 AFP Editor 4

Despite cautions from members of both the House and Senate that spying by the NSA threatens Americans’ security and liberty, both houses of Congress reauthorized essentially unrestrained surveillance when they passed the FISA Amendments Reauthorization […]

What Is America’s Mission Now?

January 10, 2018 AFP Editor 2

America’s UN Ambassador Nikki Haley continues to make the U.S. look ridiculous and make public statements that do not agree with established U.S. foreign policy. When will President Trump rein her in or, better yet, […]

Phil Giraldi Speaks Candidly With AFP

October 20, 2017 admin 5

Former Army intelligence and CIA agent Philip Giraldi confirmed recently there is indeed a limit to free speech in America—even amongst “conservatives.” When it comes to criticizing neoconservatives’ Israel-first policy, repercussions are swift. By Dave […]

City Insider Reveals Why Lee Yanked

October 12, 2017 admin 7

Former Dallas City Council member Sandra Crenshaw explains how a bevy of cultural communists worked to get the general’s statue pulled from its place of honor in Dallas. By Dave Gahary Sandra Crenshaw, a black, […]

Bilderberg 2017 Wraps Up in Virginia – Dispatch #1

June 5, 2017 AFP Editor 2

AFP’s on-the-ground Bilderberg Meeting 2017 reporter’s Saturday morning dispatch reveals that, not surprisingly, U.S. corporate media is pretending, again this year, that participation by active American government office-holders in the secretive meeting is not worth reporting on. Fortunately, American […]

Immigrants Will Overwhelm America

February 19, 2017 AFP Editor 6

Whether legal or illegal, the U.S. cannot handle millions more immigrants. When it comes to illegal aliens, every year, 500,000 illegal aliens violate America’s borders. If you multiply 33 years times 500,000 people, that adds […]

Black Pastor: Abandon the Democrats

October 9, 2016 AFP Editor 4

A coalition of black church leaders is seeking a “reckoning of conscience” among black Americans, arguing that the Democrats have hurt the poor by enslaving them on social welfare programs and by placing government above […]

Death by Doctor: A Hidden Holocaust

August 22, 2016 AFP 4

• More than 250,000 people killed every year by doctors’ mistakes in U.S. alone. By James Spounias — Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, according to Dr. Martin […]

Correcting the Black Victim Narrative

August 1, 2016 AFP 4

• Police chief demands Democrats, media, Black Lives Matter discuss black-on-black crime. By John Friend — The murder of five Dallas police officers in July and the recently convened Democratic National Convention have once again […]

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