Accused Pedophile an Intelligence Asset?

July 31, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Questions swirl around Jeffrey Epstein and his possible involvement in covert ops. By S.T. Patrick The story of Jeffrey Epstein is one that exudes salaciousness and sleaziness to its core, yet its tentacles are starting […]

Censors Beware

July 29, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Front-page news in the new issue of American Free Press , now online and available to digital subscribers and in the mail to print subscribers … Internet giants face anti-trust probe over censorship of social […]

Billionaire Pedophile Under Arrest

July 26, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The only person to help the victim’s attorney in Jeffrey Epstein case was Donald Trump, reports the attorney. More news and updates on this appalling case soon—watch for Issue 30&31, due out Monday, July 29, […]

Antifa = Terrorists

July 24, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Republican Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana wants the so-called antifascists labeled “domestic terrorists.” It’s undeniable they’re perpetrating “domestic terror violence” across the nation, as federal law enforcement has been saying for some time. Time to […]

Cover-Up Artist?

July 20, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris hid the truth about the RFK assassination while attorney general of Califonia. By Donald Jeffries Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) garnered fawning media accolades after the first Democratic Party presidential debates. […]

Israel’s Choice for U.S. President

July 18, 2019 AFP Editor 3

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is the most ardently pro-Zionist GOP politician and surely Israel’s Choice for president. By Philip Giraldi In late June, President Donald Trump flailed away with his own particular brand of […]

Small Meat Processors May Get Break

July 13, 2019 AFP Editor 0

May 2019 PRIME Act proposal would allow states to decide proper regulations for meat processing. By Mark Anderson Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), along with Maine’s Rep. Chellie Pingree (D) and Sen. Angus King Jr. (I), […]

Boys Will Be Girls?

July 9, 2019 AFP Editor 4

The Democrats support gender identity madness. By Donald Jeffries In June, every Democrat in the House of Representatives, as well as eight Republicans, voted for the misnamed Equality Act, which requires schools to permit biological […]

A Secret Meeting to Plot War?

July 6, 2019 AFP Editor 3

Who is representing the American people in this secret conclave with pro-Israel groups? By Philip Giraldi On June 5, 16 heads of Jewish organizations joined 25 Democratic senators in a private meeting, which, according to […]

Riot Act Razed?

June 16, 2019 AFP Editor 0

A federal judge has struck down the Anti-Riot Act as unconstitutional, due in part to the efforts of the fledgling Free Expression Foundation. This story was front-page news in the latest issue of American Free Press. […]

Trump Flip-Flops on Immigration

June 12, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Despite vowing to solve America’s immigration crisis, President Trump has done nothing about it.  By Donald Jeffries On no other issue is Donald Trump’s rhetoric so markedly different from his record than on immigration. During […]

Antifa Bitten by Legal Watchdog

June 8, 2019 AFP Editor 1

A California district judge has issued a rare legal smackdown of politically correct neo-Bolshevik agitators, thanks to determined efforts by watchdog group Judicial Watch. By Donald Jeffries A California U.S. district judge has awarded Judicial […]

Several States Fight Online Censorship

May 30, 2019 AFP Editor 0

President Trump has expressed concern over the recent mass bannings of conservative voices on social media and is “watching closely.” By Donald Jeffries The recent de-platforming of conservative commentators Alex Jones and Laura Loomer, minister […]

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