Michigan Sheriff a Model for Lawmen

September 12, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By Mark Anderson Given the “double trouble” posed by Covid-19 and by rioters that have simultaneously taken several major U.S. cities hostage amid calls to abolish police agencies, it’s refreshing to see the difference that […]

Pelosi’s Faulty Memory

September 11, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Is House speaker “daddy’s little heartbreaker”? By Dr. Ed DeVries Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is demanding that Congress remove “reprehensible” Confederate statues from the halls of our nation’s Capitol. Thus now would be […]

The Biden-Sanders Platform Is Scary

September 9, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By Donald Jeffries The most progressive elements of the Democratic Party are understandably upset that grassroots favorite Sen. Bernie Sanders was cast aside by the party hierarchy once again. Presumptive nominee Joe Biden’s lengthy career […]

Will Biden Coast to Victory?

September 8, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Patrick J. Buchanan Accused of being a serial harasser in 2019, Joe Biden did what comes naturally. He apologized for perceived past misbehavior, and, to appease his accusers, pledged to choose a woman for […]

Who Is the Real Kamala Harris?

September 7, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Democrats’ choice for VP is a political chimera of the worst sort. By S.T. Patrick Handlers for Democratic Party presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden have chosen former California Attorney General Kamala Harris […]

Obama Loves to Play His Race Card

September 5, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Larry Elder Former President Barack Obama once again pulled out the race card for political gain, consequences be damned. This time at the funeral of civil rights icon John Lewis, Obama compared President Donald […]

Fake News Barons Crushed in Court

August 25, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Catholic student smeared by irresponsible, vicious media may end up multi-millionaire. By Donald Jeffries Embattled Covington, Ky. teenager Nicholas Sandmann has now won two legal victories in a row over our state-controlled mainstream media. The […]

Domestic Terror

August 24, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Black Lives Matter demanding whites give up their homes. By the AFP Staff As this newspaper goes to press, parts of the city of Portland have been on fire for over 80 days due to […]

Where Soros Money Goes, Mayhem Follows

August 21, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By John Friend The radical left is gaining political traction in St. Louis, as evidenced by the recent Democratic primary victory of Cori Bush, a nationally recognized Black Lives Matter organizer and community activist, over […]

President Flip-Flops on ‘Dreamers’

August 16, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries Barack Obama’s 2012 executive order establishing a policy of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) appears here to stay. DACA allowed those brought into America illegally as children to receive renewable two-year […]

Lockdowns, Riots Crush Businesses

August 10, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Double whammy is crippling entrepreneurs of all races. By Donald Jeffries The economic fallout from the senseless shutdown of most businesses in America is beginning to manifest itself. By early May, it was estimated that […]

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