Myopic Media Refuses to Name Bilderberg

June 6, 2017 AFP Editor 1

U.S. corporate media is quick to report on “behind-the-scenes” parties influencing the Trump administration … as long as that list doesn’t include the Bilderberg Group.  By Mark Anderson CHANTILLY, Va.—The mind-numbing mainstream media blackout of the […]

Pacifist Historian Denied U.S. Entry

June 5, 2017 AFP Editor 13

Ernst Zuendel cannot come home to join his wife, an American citizen, after serving his sentence in Germany for “thought crimes,” says the Department of Homeland Security, yet untold numbers of illegal aliens are allowed […]

Paris Climate Pact Must Be Stopped

June 1, 2017 AFP Editor 8

Constitution or not, President Obama created an exorbitant bill for U.S. taxpayers when he signed on to the Paris Agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Just as this article went to press, President Trump announced the U.S. […]

Truth Has Become Un-American

May 23, 2017 AFP Editor 3

Do the Russians and Chinese understand the true reason for Washington’s hostility toward them? Or to whom the U.S. military/security complex is truly answering? An overwhelming majority of Americans certainly don’t seem to have a clue what’s […]

WikiLeaker Revealed?

May 19, 2017 AFP Editor 4

A private detective in Washington, D.C., investigating the unsolved murder last year of DNC staffer Seth Rich, claims to know who leaked Democrats’ emails—and it is not Russia … By John Friend New evidence and […]

The Exponential Growth of Insecurity

May 16, 2017 AFP Editor 0

When it comes to cyberspace, Dr. Roberts says, “There is no such thing as cybersecurity.” He asks a question the mainstream media has (yet again) failed to ask about the malware (malicious software) stolen from the National […]

Comey & The Saturday Night Massacre

May 15, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Cries of “worse than Watergate” went out from the mainstream media immediately after President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey last week. But is it worse? For that matter, is it even comparable? By Patrick […]

Operation Gotham Shield 2017

May 11, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Are we and North Korea being set up for a false-flag attack on U.S. soil? History has shown any time multiple federal agencies, military commands and Federal Emergency Management Agency get together to conduct an exercise we […]

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