Former DA Butchered the Truth

October 5, 2019 AFP Editor 2

A new book from Tom O’Neill challenges the entirety of the Charles Manson mass-murder narrative put forth by LA attorney Vincent Bugliosi in Helter Skelter. By S.T. Patrick After the end of the Tate-LaBianca murder […]

The Truth About America’s Gulags

October 4, 2019 AFP Editor 0

How did the American people become the most incarcerated in the world? And why is prison reform so far down the list of important issues for Americans? By S.T. Patrick American jails and prisons house […]

Israel Caught Spying on Trump?

October 4, 2019 AFP Editor 2

President Trump has denied a leaked report claiming Israel placed “stingray” spying devices around the White House, and is taking no action to punish the eavesdroppers. By John Friend In an explosive report published in […]

Courts Show Anti-Christian Bias

October 2, 2019 AFP Editor 2

The U.S. justice system increasingly dismisses Americans’ right to freedom of religion. By Mark Anderson A frequent underlying theme in our increasingly anti-Christian society is that freedom from religion is given supremacy over freedom of […]

Attack on U.S. History Continues

October 1, 2019 AFP Editor 1

A San Francisco school board has voted to censor murals painted on George Washington High School—ironically, created by a radical leftist emigré—lest some fragile snowflake be triggered by seeing images of George Washington mistreating blacks […]

Flynn Exonerated?

September 28, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Has a newly uncovered memo, withheld by the Department of Justice prosecution in violation of the court’s discovery order, cleared Trump advisor Michael Flynn? By Donald Jeffries The attorney for beleaguered Gen. Michael Flynn claims […]

Will Court Agree to Exhumation?

September 23, 2019 AFP Editor 4

A researcher is convinced that the murder of Dorothy Kilgallen is linked to the JFK assassination. By S.T. Patrick Dorothy Kilgallen looked like your favorite aunt, prim and proper, the one who would wink at […]

Sanctuary Insanity

September 23, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Officials who are implementing sanctuary policies are responsible for robberies, rapes and murders committed by illegals. This “sanctuary insanity” made the front page of AFP Issue 39&40, in the mail to print subscribers and online […]

‘Gay Gene’ Study Shocks Liberals

September 22, 2019 AFP Editor 3

Are some people in fact “born gay,” as liberals maintain? Or is sexual preference more learned than innate?  Scientists published in Science magazine have recently concluded that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetic […]

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