Trump Winning on Law & Order Issue

September 11, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The left’s insistence that a tough stance on crime is racist could cost them the White House. By Patrick J. Buchanan Did President Donald Trump launch his Twitter barrage at Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) simply […]

The Fed’s Endgame

September 10, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Ron Paul says the Fed’s recent lowering of its “benchmark” rate is an example of a popular definition of insanity: doing the same action over and over again and expecting different results.  By Dr. Ron […]

Should Congress Impeach Trump?

September 8, 2019 AFP Editor 0

If they do, it ought to be for what he has actually done, not imaginary crimes. By Philip Giraldi The number of Democratic congressmen favoring initiating impeachment against President Donald Trump is growing and soon […]

Area 51 Researchers Change Focus

September 8, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Secret bases exist across the United States, but few know what’s really inside them. By S.T. Patrick “If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Let’s see them aliens.” That’s how it […]

Epstein ‘Suicide’ Proves Psychopaths Rule

September 5, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Rather than reporting on the conspiracies around Jeffrey Epstein’s death that make clear we’re ruled by psychopaths, big media is, as usual, attacking “conspiracy theorists,” including President Donald Trump.  By Dr. Kevin Barrett When Jeffrey […]

Myth of ‘White Terror’ Debunked

September 2, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The real threat of serious violence is coming from the radical left, not “white supremacists.” By John Friend Anti-American activist groups, such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Southern Poverty Law Center, along with virtually […]

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