Manson Innocent of Murders?

January 3, 2018 AFP Editor 7

The November 2017 death of imprisoned cult leader Charles Manson spurred new interest in research refuting the official story. Famed attorney Vincent Bugliosi helped frame the public’s understanding of the “Manson Family cult” but was his […]

JFK Researcher Honored in Dallas

December 6, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Longtime researcher Robert Groden, who saved the Zapruder film from the dustbin of history, received a lifetime achievement award for his JFK research. By S.T. Patrick At the recent 5th Annual JFK Assassination Conference in […]

Trump Will Release JFK Documents

November 11, 2017 admin 5

The CIA and FBI are worried about President Trump’s release of thousands of JFK assassination files. Apparently, 54 years has not allowed them enough time to review the documents, so they’ve asked him for another six-month […]

Rhode Island Tackles ‘Geoengineering’

October 27, 2017 admin 5

No longer dismissed as “conspiracy theory nonsense,” Rhode Island’s general assembly is concerned enough that geoengineering, or “intentional manipulation of the environment,” involves “hazardous activities that can harm human health and safety, the environment, and […]

Company Wants Employees ‘Chipped’

September 16, 2017 admin 6

Joining a high-technology office complex in Sweden, a Wisconsin company now says bio-chips can replace swipe cards, log in to computers, and order food. Distressingly, employees are lining up for the “convenient” implanted chip.  By Dave […]

Liberty Survivors Remember 50th

June 23, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Survivors of the brutal attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 gathered together, earlier this month, to honor the fallen and preserve the memory of what happened on that terrible day. By Dave Gahary NORFOLK, […]

Myopic Media Refuses to Name Bilderberg

June 6, 2017 AFP Editor 1

U.S. corporate media is quick to report on “behind-the-scenes” parties influencing the Trump administration … as long as that list doesn’t include the Bilderberg Group.  By Mark Anderson CHANTILLY, Va.—The mind-numbing mainstream media blackout of the […]

Bilderberg 2017 Wraps Up in Virginia – Dispatch #1

June 5, 2017 AFP Editor 2

AFP’s on-the-ground Bilderberg Meeting 2017 reporter’s Saturday morning dispatch reveals that, not surprisingly, U.S. corporate media is pretending, again this year, that participation by active American government office-holders in the secretive meeting is not worth reporting on. Fortunately, American […]

New Movie Exposes Bilderberg

May 22, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Daniel Estulin will premier his new film, “Bilderberg, the Movie,” this week in New Orleans. Mark Anderson sat down with him ahead of the screening to learn more about the new film and Estulin’s research […]

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