Big Pharma’s Greed

January 28, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Front-page news from American Free Press Issue 5 & 6: Drug peddlers ring in 2019 with price increases and funerals. Subscribers can log in now and read your digital version of the paper, AFP Online. Not yet a […]

Globalists Unite Against Populism

January 27, 2019 AFP Editor 0

It’s not just America’s neoconservatives and radical left that are rooting for America’s failure; globalists are increasingly concerned the U.S. has lost its global way. Now, Western think tanks apparently need to “rediscover a sense […]

Will Immigration Bloodshed Continue?

January 26, 2019 AFP Editor 0

American citizens, including law enforcement officers, continue to be the tragic victims of sanctuary policies.  By John Friend Two recent tragic cases highlight the danger illegal aliens pose to U.S. citizens, particularly in so-called sanctuary […]

U.S., Taliban Begin Peace Negotiations

January 25, 2019 AFP Editor 0

After Syria, President Trump looks to exact even more peace in the Middle East as evidenced by U.S. talks with Taliban officials to “complete the Afghanistan reconciliation process.” We would do well to remember the […]

Iran’s Revolution Turns 40

January 22, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Americans should realize the U.S. and Iran are fighting the same enemies and perhaps take a lesson from Iran at the 40th anniversary of its revolution. By Dr. Kevin Barrett America’s mainstream propaganda media keep […]

What Really Killed Rising Journalist?

January 21, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Young up-and-comingChristian conservative TV news personality and writer Bre Payton died in December, allegedly from a freakish case of swine flu and meningitis. Ms. Payton’s father has said, “We may never know” what caused her […]

DAV: Desecrating American Veterans

January 20, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The world’s largest veterans charity, previously reported on in AFP, is now condoning the desecration of a cemetery in St. Louis, Mo. How does advertising on a billboard placed directly above a veteran’s grave honor […]

Russiagate Collusion Theory Collapses

January 20, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Former mainstream journalist Michael Isikoff of Washington Post, Newsweek, and NBC News fame has clearly begun questioning the infamous Steele Dossier. Has the Russiagate collusion theory finally collapsed?  By S.T. Patrick Radio host John Ziegler was […]

Audio: The John Lear Files I

January 18, 2019 AFP Editor 1

AFP is pleased to offer our readers another excellent interview from writer and radio show host S.T. Patrick’s Midnight Writer News Show: Episode 011 “The John Lear Files I.” Hosted by S.T. Patrick  John Lear […]

Hacker Group Could Blow Lid Off 9/11

January 18, 2019 AFP Editor 1

“Dark Overlord” is threatening to publish thousands of confidential, damning documents unless suspect parties pay up. What might be contained in those documents? We may learn the answer to that question soon, as the hackers […]

U.S. Locked Into Endless Cycle of War

January 17, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Given the fact that Washington spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined, says Phil Giraldi, the notion that U.S. isn’t spending enough on weapons is absurd. At what point will America […]

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