The Rise and Fall of Bill Cooper

November 13, 2018 AFP Editor 0

A new book about Bill Cooper, radio show host and author of Behold a Pale Horse, examines the wide appeal and demise of this popular conspiracy theorist who died in 2001. By S.T. Patrick Behold a Pale […]

Globalists Seek to Scuttle Brexit

November 10, 2017 admin 3

The New World Order elite just won’t let the British put Britain first.  By Mark Anderson The British “Brexit” vote, cast June 23, 2016, provided a clear indication of the populist revolt that’s been simmering for […]

Dreading De-Globalization in Davos

January 19, 2017 AFP Editor 6

Corporate executives, top bankers, global speculators, and power brokers at the annual Alpine retreat in Davos, Switzerland are complaining openly that the rise of populism and nationalism across the United State and Europe is a […]

America Has Long History of Stolen Elections

September 5, 2016 AFP Editor 6

The most recent presidential primaries were eye-opening.  Donald Trump was victorious over Republican candidates including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was the clear establishment favorite to win. But conservative voters came out in droves […]

Reduce Government 80%

August 1, 2016 AFP 3

• Constitution Party Candidate Hits Trump, Clinton. • Says Return to Rule of Law the Smartest Path. By Mark Anderson — WYOMING, Michigan—On July 21, AMERICAN FREE PRESS caught up with Constitution Party (CP) presidential […]

Global Cities

July 13, 2016 AFP 1

• Water wars, transferring populations to urban areas, further industrialization of food production discussed at internationalists’ Global Cities Conference in Chicago. By Mark Anderson — CHICAGO, Ill.—Financial Times (FT), like The Economist and Bloomberg media, […]

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