Does Trump Deserve a Peace Prize?

September 30, 2020 AFP Editor 0

President has done more than many previous recipients who have received a Nobel. By Mark Anderson Norwegian Parliament member Christian Tybring-Gjedde announced on Sept. 9 that he has nominated President Donald Trump for the 2021 […]

What Secrets Will Ghislaine Reveal?

July 31, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By John Friend Ghislaine Maxwell, a close associate and former girlfriend of the notorious Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested by federal authorities on the morning of July 2 at her mansion in Bradford, N.H. Maxwell, the […]

The Great Reset

July 3, 2020 AFP Editor 3

Global elite wrap pandemic response, climate change, and economic reform into one big scary, leftist package. By Mark Anderson The World Economic Forum (WEF)—increasingly regarded as the open wing of the closed Bilderberg Meetings—is taking […]

Media Skews Virus Numbers

April 12, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson It’s clear that nearly every mainstream media outlet is consistently presenting an overly simplistic and hysteria-inducing “cases-and-deaths” narrative without qualifying the data and certainly without reporting the high number of recoveries. Recoveries […]

Yes: Reporters Are Bought and Paid for

January 8, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Don’t trust mainstream journalists on the payroll of the Deep State. By Paul Craig Roberts Udo Ulfkotte’s amazing book, Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought Journalism) was published by Kopp Verlag in 2014. The book was a sensation […]

Jeffrey Epstein’s Elite Clientele

December 15, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Prince Andrew gives a suspicious interview about connections to pedophile. By S.T. Patrick In trying to get ahead of the scandal regarding his relationship with the suicided Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, […]

American Free Press Online Member Page

September 13, 2019 admin 0

  AMERICAN FREE PRESS Members’ Area The digital versions of the newspaper below are to be viewed in Adobe Reader or the full version of Acrobat. By left clicking on the word “View,” the newspaper will […]

Globalists Lie Low

May 6, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The front-page story of AFP Issue 19 & 20 (available here for AFP Online subscribers; click here to review subscription options) asks, has Europe become too hot for the elite Bilderberg meeting? Where will they […]

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