Judge Moore Could Take Senate Seat

September 16, 2017 admin 0

• Polling reveals “10 Commandments judge” is a good bet to win GOP run-off primary By Mark Anderson Not unlike former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio (see pages 14-15), former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has […]

Arpaio Bypasses Fake Media

September 15, 2017 admin 3

• Lawman tells AFP his investigation into Obama birth records spurred high-level retribution • Says he might consider running for public office again if President Trump made the request By Mark Anderson On Friday, Aug. […]

Fighting ‘Hate,’ Killing Free Speech

September 15, 2017 admin 4

Anti-Defamation League undercutting free expression by indoctrinating mayors, police By John Friend The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an organization openly hostile to the First Amendment that seeks to advance pro-Israel interests and shut down free expression […]

Dream Act Hypocrisy

September 13, 2017 admin 4

Kids of illegals get benefits while needy U.S. students lose vouchers By Allen B. West President Donald Trump has announced he will be ending the Obama program called DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The […]

Can the GOP’s Shotgun Marriage Be Saved?

September 1, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Given all the backbiting and infighting amongst Republicans, including even between some of Trump’s own Cabinet members and the president, can the GOP be salvaged? For that matter, can America be saved? By Patrick Buchanan Wednesday […]

Monsanto Caught Red-Handed

August 15, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Despite the mega-corporation’s desperate attempts to keep company secrets secret, internal emails written by top Monsanto executives that were gathered during the discovery phase of a lawsuit now underway have been unsealed. What did this treasure […]

Doctor Sues to Stop Naled Spraying

July 14, 2017 AFP Editor 2

A Miami physician and an attorney have filed an injunction against Dade County to stop the rampant, dangerous use of naled, an organophosphate insecticide in its “air war on mosquitoes.” The plaintiffs say local government is […]

Judge Will Rule on Arpaio Case Soon

July 14, 2017 AFP Editor 3

Attorneys for retired Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio are “highly optimistic” the lawman will get a favorable verdict in the Obama DOJ-carryover case against him. Arpaio has been charged with misdemeanor contempt of court for turning […]

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