DHS Thinks All Libertarians Are Terrorists

February 19, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Dr. Ron Paul The Department of Homeland Security recently issued a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections […]

Hollywood ‘Wokeness’ Annoying

January 28, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries The recent version of Charles Dickens’s classic A Christmas Carol presented by FX reflects the dismal state of American culture in the age of political correctness. It begins with a teenager urinating […]

Battle for Control of the U.S. Senate

December 9, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson Perhaps the most-watched U.S. Senate races in recent American history are transpiring in Georgia, where two runoff elections will take place Jan. 5 that pit incumbent Republicans against Democratic challengers. The results […]

The Great Barrington Declaration

November 7, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Scientists, doctors totally at odds over best way to deal with coronavirus. By Tilton Adler The Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) has become a hotly debated proposition since Oct. 4 when it was released to fellow […]

Black Self-Sabotage Rampant

August 23, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Larry Elder Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, a top aide to Martin Luther King Jr., died on July 17, 2020. In 1965, Lewis suffered a fractured skull when he led 600 civil rights […]

Covering Graffiti a Hate Crime

August 19, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By John Friend Proof continues to come to light that America has transformed into an outright anarcho-tyranny in which the rule of law is strictly enforced against average citizens while mobs of vandals and looters […]

Many Professors Living in Fear

August 12, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Cancel culture racists have conservative teachers afraid to speak their minds. By Paul Craig Roberts Academics, if they are white, live in fear of losing their jobs. Professors lost their authority when administrations ceased backing […]

Lockdowns, Riots Crush Businesses

August 10, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Double whammy is crippling entrepreneurs of all races. By Donald Jeffries The economic fallout from the senseless shutdown of most businesses in America is beginning to manifest itself. By early May, it was estimated that […]

MLK Next to Be ‘Canceled’?

August 6, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By Larry Elder John Wayne’s 1971 Playboy magazine interview has placed the legendary actor in the crosshairs of today’s cancel culture social justice warriors. Activists demand that his name be removed from an Orange County, […]

BLM, Antifa Team Up for Marxism

July 26, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Leftist media suppresses true agenda of budding revolutionary groups. By John Friend Black Lives Matter (BLM) and radical Antifa terrorists—the primary factions of the broader cultural Marxist assault on America being used to loot, destroy, […]

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