Peaceful Rally Sends Strong Message

February 7, 2020 AFP Editor 2

Americans of all walks of life gather in droves—peacefully—for second Amendment rights. By John Friend Despite the hysterical headlines emanating from some of the leading purveyors of fake news and fear mongering from local, state, […]

Trump Wins on China Trade Deal

February 5, 2020 AFP Editor 0

President Trump is set to sign a renegotiated deal in an attempt to address trade inequities. By Mark Anderson President Donald Trump will formally sign a “phase one” trade deal with China at the White […]

Claim: ‘Epstein Worked for Israel’

February 5, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Pedophile, spy’s daughter were blackmailing public figures for Mossad. By Phil Giraldi The saga of pedophile procurer to the rich and famous Jeffrey Epstein continues to enthrall, even if the Department of Justice appears to […]

‘Wave of Anti-Semitism’ Exaggerated

January 28, 2020 AFP Editor 2

Most “anti-Semitic attacks” are shouting matches between Israel lovers and critics. By Phil Giraldi One of the few growth industries in Donald Trump’s United States is the protection of Jewish citizens and their property from […]

Thank the Lord So Many Were Packing

January 27, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Had Texas parishioners not been armed with guns, the shooter could have killed scores. By Mark Anderson A key question in the aftermath of the shooting incident Dec. 29, 2019 at West Freeway Church of […]

Border Victory

January 13, 2020 AFP Editor 0

New stricter policies on illegal immigration are working. This front-page story of American Free Press Issue 3&4 is available online now for digital subscribers and in the mail to print subscribers.  By John Friend A […]

Media Mocks Trump Letter

January 9, 2020 AFP Editor 1

The following excerpt contains key portions of the letter President Donald Trump sent to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). AFP is publishing portions of this because Big Media continues to destroy any remaining […]

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