President Should Pardon GOP Strategist Roger Stone

Roger Stone leaving court

By AFP Staff

Famed GOP strategist and author Roger Stone, on Nov. 15, 2019, was convicted of secondary crimes related to a federal probe of criminal activity that turned out to be completely bogus. Earlier today, on Feb. 20, a judge sentenced Stone to 40 months in prison. President Donald Trump should pardon Stone immediately before the 67-year-old man, who has no past criminal record, spends one more day in jail.

In handing down the sentence, Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointee, said, “The court should not just shrug its shoulders and say this is a case of ‘Roger being Roger. . . . The truth still exits. The truth still matters. For that reason, the dismay and disgust at the defendant’s belligerence should transcend party.”

So what exactly did Stone do?

He was charged with obstructing Congress in its probe of whether President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. It’s taken years and millions of taxpayers’ dollars, but we now know that this allegation is completely false. It is looking more and more like Trump’s entire campaign was the victim of a Deep State takedown, a coup initiated at the highest levels of government by individuals in the FBI and CIA along with Justice Department holdovers from the Obama administration.

He was also charged with witness tampering, because he had spoken to a source of his when it came to WikiLeaks. Even the individual in question, radio show host Randy Credico, argued that Stone should not be incarcerated.

Stone has already been treated terribly by the justice system. During a predawn raid on his home in Florida, a heavily armed SWAT team took him into custody. Special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s team claimed that the press was not tipped off to Stone’s arrest, yet cameramen somehow managed to get great footage of Stone being led from his house by federal agents.

The cerebral Republican strategist was well-known for his so-called “dirty tricks” in politics, but, unlike the Clintons, for example, no rumors of “body counts” or “suicided” people ever plagued him.

On a positive note, President Trump seems to be intimating that he will likely pardon Stone.

Early on the morning of Feb. 20, Trump retweeted video from Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program that made the case for freeing Stone.

“President Trump could end this travesty in an instant with a pardon, and there are indications tonight that he will do that,” Carlson said during his show on Feb 19. He added that Stone’s prosecution is “a shocking insult to the American tradition of equal justice.”


