AFP archived stories

Did Mossad Sabotage Iranian Nuke Facility?

October 19, 2014 AFP 8

• Unexplained explosion rocks Iran’s Fordow plant. By Ronald L. Ray — In what appears to have been part of a carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign, a large, night-time explosion on October 5 near Tehran may […]

Rothschilds Target Brazil’s Central Bank

October 19, 2014 AFP 5

• Zionist-controlled banking community using “first black president” to push agenda on world’s workers. By Bill White — International bankers are financing Brazilian Socialist Party presidential candidate Marina Silva against Brazil’s current president, Dilma Rouseff, […]

U.S. Using Oil to Punish Russia

October 19, 2014 AFP 1

• Geopolitical machinations in the oil market benefiting Americans at the pump. By Dave Gahary — With its sanctions regime failing against Russia, is Washington now trying to wage economic war on the Russian government […] Targeted by Censors

October 11, 2014 AFP 8

• Thought police “gatekeeper mafia” pushing book-selling behemoth to censor content. By Victor Thorn — Amazon, the billion-dollar online bookseller, stands as a test case in regard to whether free expression or Orwellian suppression will […]

U.S./Israel “Special Relationship” on Ice

October 11, 2014 AFP 7

• Animosity grows between Israeli, U.S. leaders over criminal settlements policy of Zionist state. By Richard Walker — The signs were all there that President Barack Hussein Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu […]

Was Jim Traficant Murdered?

October 11, 2014 AFP 38

• No immediate evidence suggests Jim was the victim of foul play, but a pathologist wants to examine all possibilities before releasing final ruling on cause of death. By Pete Papaherakles — After the tragic death […]

Gun Control is Dead

October 11, 2014 AFP 5

• Next generation of American firearms will be produced in your home. By Dave Gahary — If you’re looking for a unique Christmas gift this holiday season for a friend or family member who’s a […]

Sanctions Against Russia Doomed?

October 4, 2014 AFP 2

• European nations concerned about keeping the pipelines open, not punishing Putin. By Ronald L. Ray — Efforts by the United States, European Union (EU) and Zionist plutocrats to isolate Russia and harm its people […]

Comrade Hillary

October 4, 2014 AFP 3

• Mrs. Clinton has some disturbing Marxist connections. By Victor Thorn — Americans must ask themselves a question: Do they want another president who is the disciple of a Marxist radical by the name of […]

The Real Reason Holder Quit

October 4, 2014 AFP 7

By Keith Johnson — On September 25, 2014, Attorney General Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. officially tendered his resignation as President Barack Hussein Obama’s chief prosecutor, two days after he was ordered by United States District […]

Jim Traficant Remembered: All-American Hero

October 3, 2014 AFP 14

By Pete Papaherakles — On September 27, former United States Representative Jim Traficant (D-Ohio) passed away after suffering a terrible accident involving an antique tractor on his farm four days earlier. Those who knew the […]

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