• Zionist-controlled banking community using “first black president” to push agenda on world’s workers.
By Bill White —
International bankers are financing Brazilian Socialist Party presidential candidate Marina Silva against Brazil’s current president, Dilma Rouseff, in an effort to privatize the Central Bank of Brazil and bring it further into the Rothschilds’ financial empire.
The Central Bank of Brazil is currently state owned and part of Brazil’s Finance Ministry, though it is semi-autonomous and usury-based, lending rather than spending money into circulation. Silva wants to transfer the bank to private interests, so that state control is ended.
Silva is a black environmental activist who has taken a sudden lead in Brazilian polls. Ms. Rouseff is a former Marxist guerrilla. The two are battling over a country of great contrasts, where an over 50% black population descended from former slaves, lives in squalor and is governed by a prosperous and often ultra-rich white minority.
But as in many former communist nations, Ms. Rouseff has a better domestic economic program than her moderate socialist and so-called moderate “right” opponents. Following the lead of the Soviet Union, which issued the ruble as an interest-free currency for its captive peoples, Ms. Rouseff has maintained control of the Central Bank of Brazil’s current policies.
Silva says that Ms. Rouseff has not allowed the Central Bank of Brazil to raise interest rates, now 11%, high enough to stem a 6.5% inflation rate, and has not allowed the value of the real, Brazil’s currency, to fall against the dollar. When a central bank is state owned, interest acts like a tax, with money being collected in interest going out of circulation as demands for new loans fall. Remarkably, raising interest rates as Silva desires would likely prevent the value of the real from falling against the dollar. A falling real would boost exports from Brazil.
Silva’s policies would be unlikely to benefit workers, as Brazil’s rapidly growing economy is being fueled by the central bank’s easy-money policies, and unlike the United States, state ownership is largely preventing further centralization of capital.While a better policy would be to abandon usury altogether and increase government spending by the spread between Brazil’s interest and inflation rates, this is the exact opposite of what Silva proposes.
The Zionist-controlled banking community is apparently using a “first black president” socialist stage to push its agenda on the world’s workers, all the while confusing the issues beneath an unnecessarily complex economic discussion.
Bill White is a freelance journalist and publisher based in Florida. He has also written articles for THE BARNES REVIEW (TBR) magazine. You can write him at: William A. White 201400005514 Seminole County Jail 211 Bush Blvd Sanford FL 32773.
Israeli Made President Brazil’s Central Bank
Don’t kid yourself. Any Freemason, which is a synonym for Rothschilds et al., is a threat! Roussef may not be doing a good job in one sense, but it’s a remarkably good job to elude the clutches of the global banking cartel that is seeking to suck Brazil into its evil machinery along with most of the rest of the remorseful globe. Good luck to her! Long may she continue to elude its sinister clutches. She needs help and good advice to better manage Brazil’s finances: there is potential to create a new model others could then opt to follow. It is possible to overthrow the sinister international bankers. The world banking cartel is enslaving the planet! There is another way for a country to manage it’s money, besides the usury/debt model!
The presidential dispute is now in the second phase and the candidates are Dilma Roussef and Aecio Neves. The former is not doing a good job and the latter is a Freemason, but does not seem a threat.
I am sure that it is a “coincidence” that Brazilian presidential candidate, Eduardo Campo, died in a “plane crash” back in August of this year. By the way, do you know how many DOZENS of politicians opposing the Rothschilds have died that way? Paul Wellstone, Mel Carnahan, Ron Brown, Hale Boggs, JFK Jr., etc. I could go on and on. Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about – unless you are a politician opposing the Rothschilds who flies.
That didn’t work out too well because she’s out of the running now. There is more preoccupation in Brazil at the moment with the out-and-out corruption between the actual president and Petrobrás to the tune of billions of reals.