AFP archived stories

DARK Act Defeated by Public Pressure

April 4, 2016 AFP 0

• Move by Big Pharma, Big Ag to hide ingredients thwarted for the time being by congressmen. By James Spounias — Rarely do health-minded people experience political victories in corporatist America, but we should celebrate […]

Bilderberg 2016 Back in Virginia?

April 1, 2016 AFP 2

• But UK, other sites still under scrutiny. By Mark Anderson — Tentatively speaking, those delightfully “Democratic” chums who comprise the super-exclusive Bilderberg Group have again selected the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, […]

White Working Class Genocide

March 29, 2016 AFP 4

• Magazine of GOP elite says struggling whites just drug addicts, welfare cheats. By Ronald L. Ray — National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson has a problem: Donald Trump. The misanthropic author of libertarian bombast despises […]

World Ignores Slaughter of Christians

March 29, 2016 AFP 2

By Victor Thorn — Thousands of Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East, but President Barack Hussein Obama’s White House refuses to do anything to help put an end to it. Some innocent victims […]

Hillary’s Libyan Lies

March 29, 2016 AFP 5

• Hillary the mastermind behind destruction of Libya? • Qaddafi’s “pan-African currency” plan got him killed? By Ronald L. Ray — The moral bankruptcy and intense duplicity of United States foreign policy, which brings “democracy” […]

Migrant Crisis Has EU in Panic Mode

March 20, 2016 AFP 2

By Richard Walker — The unstoppable march of Muslim migrants into Europe has forced a number of these countries to restore their borders, and has led to senior North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) figures blaming […]

Pesticide Link in Microcephaly Cases

March 20, 2016 AFP 1

• Historical connection exists among pesticide use, vaccines and epidemic. By James Spounias — A group of Argentine physicians has made a connection between pesticides and the brain-growth-stopping disease known as microcephaly that has been […]

Killing Trump

March 16, 2016 AFP 1

• GOP, corporate execs, big donors meet behind closed doors, Bilderberg style, to take down Trump. By Mark Anderson — Top legislators, including United States House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), met secretly with […]

IRS Protecting ADL

March 16, 2016 AFP 2

• Jewish “charity” has violated tax laws for 40 years without repercussion. By Ronald L. Ray — The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a Jewish “charitable” organization founded by B’nai B’rith and one of the leading […]

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