• Jewish “charity” has violated tax laws for 40 years without repercussion.
By Ronald L. Ray —
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a Jewish “charitable” organization founded by B’nai B’rith and one of the leading purveyors of vitriolic hate speech and bigotry against traditional moral values. While excoriating Americans’ nationalism, the ADL defends Israel’s racist, genocidal policies and activities. It also appears to violate the terms of its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status on a regular basis—and has done so for over 40 years—while the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) turns a blind eye.
According to the IRS website: “Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. . . . [P]ublic statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.”
Violation can result in revocation of the tax-exempt status, but that law seemingly does not apply to the ADL. Although the IRS targets patriotic and socially conservative organizations, the ADL and other Zionist organizations long have gotten a free pass.
For at least 44 years, the ADL has been openly criticizing candidates for public office it deems hostile to Jews or Israel, and praising those it deems supporters—both of which activities are clearly forbidden.
In the 1972 U.S. presidential campaign, the ADL attacked the Socialist Workers Party and its candidate, Linda Jenness, for alleged “anti-Semitism,” because of the SWP’s “opposition to Zionism and the state of Israel.”
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In a 2002 example reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pennsylvania state chapter of the ADL interfered in the Cherry Hill, New Jersey mayoral race on behalf of a Jewish candidate, who had been denounced by his opponent for campaign behavior the latter alleged was similar to that of WWII “Nazi generals . . . who swore they knew nothing of atrocities being committed against Jews.”
In 2011, even the Zionist Organization of America was appalled by efforts of the ADL and American Jewish Committee (AJC) to stifle the free speech rights of voters and political candidates critical of Israel.
In September 2014, the ADL vilified Robert Ransdell, a member of the National Alliance Reform & Restoration Group running for U.S. senator in Kentucky, as a “white supremacist” with allegedly “anti-Semitic and racist views.”
In June 2015, the ADL roundly criticized Richard Vasquez, a candidate for Rockland County, New York sheriff. Vasquez had issued a campaign commercial showing his opponent with a group of Orthodox Jews. The ADL claimed the image was “highly offensive” and had implied the latter were responsible for unsafe housing in the area.
In October 2007, the ADL demanded that then-presidential candidate Mike Huckabee stop calling the annihilation of tens of millions of unborn children by abortion a holocaust. The ADL’s Abe Foxman claimed, “Such analogies can only trivialize” the alleged WWII Jewish genocide.
In July 2015, presidential candidate Huckabee raised the ADL’s ire again. The ADL’s press release stated, “ADL Sharply Criticizes Huckabee Comment Suggesting Obama is ‘Leading Israel to the Door of the Oven’ ” through his nuclear deal with Iran.
On September 21, 2015, ADL national director Jonathan A. Greenblatt lashed out at two presidential candidates: Donald Trump, for purported “failure to stand up to a [purported] anti-Muslim bigot at a campaign rally,” and Dr. Ben Carson, for stating he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”
In November 2015, the ADL criticized Donald Trump as “irresponsible—not to mention factually challenged” for suggesting Arabs in New Jersey rejoiced at the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Apparently, this was too close for comfort to the truth of the “dancing Israelis,” the video of which the ADL called a “myth.”
Also in November, the Jewish hate group deplored Trump’s call for a database of Muslims in the U.S., and claimed it was “scapegoating Syrian refugees” for candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to desire only Christian refugees be taken in, and for Carson to call the Syrian refugees “rabid dogs.”
While the ADL defended Trump for controversial remarks to rich Jewish Republicans in December, it alleged that other statements Trump made about Mexicans and Muslims “not only used stereotypes but exhibited hostility.”
On February 25, 2016, the ADL again meddled in Trump’s campaign, stating that he “may have distanced himself from white supremacists, but he must do so unequivocally,” referring to support he received from David Duke and other white nationalists.
Trump responded on the “Morning Joe” television program: “I don’t like to disavow groups if I don’t know who they are. . . . I mean, you could have Federation of Jewish Philanthropies in groups.”
The ADL’s Greenblatt blasted Trump: “It is obscene to even mention a Jewish organization in the same breath as these white supremacist groups. Mr. Trump needs to acknowledge that the rhetoric of these hate groups is appalling and does not belong in any political discussion.”
In response to AFP questions about the ADL’s nefarious activities, an IRS media spokesman replied, “Federal law prohibits the IRS from commenting on specific organizations and entities.”
It is time to demand accountability from the IRS for decades of shielding hate groups like the Anti-Defamation League. If they want to meddle in politics, let them pay taxes like the rest of us.
Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of THE BARNES REVIEW. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.
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