It’s a Schiff Show on Capitol Hill

December 22, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Despite the vote in the House, establishment attack dog Adam Schiff failed to make a convincing impeachment case. By Donald Jeffries It’s fitting that the man overseeing the impeachment charade against Donald Trump—Rep. Adam Schiff—bears […]

Leftist Policies Are Ruining Europe

December 16, 2019 AFP Editor 2

If suicidal immigration policies are not reversed, Christian-European culture will die. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts In Sweden the rape of white Swedish women by black immigrant-invaders never stops. In the latest outrage four black […]

Adios, NAFTA

December 16, 2019 AFP Editor 0

In a surprise move, Democrats have okayed the new USMCA trade deal negotiated by the Trump administration. By the AFP Staff While Democrats hunkered down in the basement of the U.S. Capitol building, twisting recent […]

Electoral College, Voter ID Targeted

December 15, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Soros, Arnolds, Rockefellers want elections rigged for the radical left. By Richard McCarty For years, Democrats have argued that they will soon have a permanent majority due to the country’s demographic changes, but liberal billionaires, […]

Jeffrey Epstein’s Elite Clientele

December 15, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Prince Andrew gives a suspicious interview about connections to pedophile. By S.T. Patrick In trying to get ahead of the scandal regarding his relationship with the suicided Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, […]

Faux Conservatives Being Challenged

December 15, 2019 AFP Editor 0

By John Friend A burgeoning movement on the dissident right comprised of America-first nationalists concerned with immigration, changing demographics, disastrous foreign entanglements, and globalism are on a mission to publicly confront, challenge, and expose the […]

A Failed Legacy of Regime Change

December 13, 2019 AFP Editor 0

By S.T. Patrick As citizens of nations around the world line the streets as far as the eye can see in protest of tyrannical governments—many linked to U.S. corporations, financial institutions, and politicians—it is worth […]

Is NATO Brain Dead?

December 12, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The divides between NATO member states is growing larger. By Richard Walker After 70 years, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has gone into steady decline. While its supporters, to quote Mark Twain, will insist […]

Making Mincemeat Out of Adam Schiff

December 12, 2019 AFP Editor 0

A young New York legislator exposes amazing idiocy of the narcissist leading the impeachment effort. By Donald Jeffries While Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has garnered nonstop, fawning coverage in the mainstream media, another young female New York […]

Deep State Tries to Break Stone

December 11, 2019 AFP Editor 0

A clearly partisan Obama judge could give Trump ally decades behind bars. By Donald Jeffries The Deep State’s promulgation of the absurd and thoroughly discredited Russian “collusion” theory has claimed another victim. Former Trump aide […]

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