A Nation at War With Itself

April 29, 2019 AFP Editor 0

“A respect for the limits of your branch of government, a respect for the role of other branches of government, is sort of the oil that makes the machinery work. … Absent that this breaks […]

Collusion Hoax Kills TV Ratings

April 29, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Even left-leaning television viewers have realized the charges against Trump were fake news, and ratings have taken a hit as more and more Americans turn off the mainstream media. By Donald Jeffries While the establishment […]

Measles Hysteria Hits U.S.

April 28, 2019 AFP Editor 2

Media hysteria over a measles “outbreak” in New York has reached a fever pitch, yet nary a word about frightening police-state measures being used against parents who choose to not have their children vaccinated with […]

Pandering Politician for Prez?

April 26, 2019 AFP Editor 1

South Bend Mayor Peter Buttigieg wants to be president, but first he has to show his love for Israel—and he is working sickeningly hard to do just that. By Philip Giraldi There is a war […]

Donald Trump Was Framed

April 22, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The front-page news this week in American Free Press Issue 17&18 is no surprise to FFP readers: D.C. traitors are behind the Deep State plot to take down Trump. Now the question is whether any […]

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