Elite Media Stokes Flames of Violence

July 4, 2015 AFP 5

• Mainstream moguls find “white-on-black” oppression narrative sells papers, get viewers. By Patrick J. Buchanan — Half a century ago this summer, the Voting Rights Act was passed, propelled by Bloody Sunday at Selma Bridge. […]

Free Speech: A Quaint Relic of the U.S.

June 9, 2015 AFP 2

By John Tiffany — Former school principal Frank Borzellieri is a tragic victim of the bigotry that goes under the label of political correctness. In 1993, Borzellieri was elected to the school board of Queens, […]

Bilderberg Bared

June 9, 2015 AFP 1

• AFP on the scene in Austria to cover annual globalist confab. By Mark Anderson — Bilderberg’s 63rd confab in 61 years has begun in Telfs, Austria, at the picturesque Interalpen Hotel near Innsbruck. One […]

Liberalism: The Real Threat to Black America

May 26, 2015 AFP 1

• “Great Society” liberalism has nearly destroyed Afro-Americans. By Patrick J. Buchanan — Had Freddie Gray been robbed, beaten and left to die in the streets of his Baltimore neighborhood, no one would be mourning […]

Riots Prediction Rings True

May 11, 2015 AFP 3

• Book warns more racial violence will hit U.S. cities. By Victor Thorn — When this author predicted in AMERICAN FREE PRESS’s latest bestselling book, America’s Racial Powder Keg, that the United States would erupt […]

Loretta Lynch: Worse Than Eric Holder?

April 5, 2015 AFP 2

• Attorney general nominee the “queen of civil forfeiture.” By Pete Papaherakles — With Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. resigning as United States Attorney General, the nominee to replace him, Loretta Elizabeth Lynch, is undergoing congressional vetting. […]

Massive U.S. Aquifer Threatened

March 11, 2015 AFP 2

• Ogallala Aquifer could be poisoned by fracking wastewater well in Nebraska. By Ronald L. Ray — “Oil and water don’t mix.” That saying receives new meaning in light of a proposed disposal well for oil […]

Boston Marathon Bombing Exploded, Pre-Trial

February 28, 2015 AFP 5

By Victor Thorn — In a blockbuster 1997 film Wag the Dog, Robert De Niro plays a fixer extraordinaire who’s summoned to the White House after a potential front-page scandal threatens to sink the president’s […]

Free Speech Debate Ignited Over Firewoman’s Firing

February 15, 2015 AFP 10

By Tarrah Baptista — Charlotte, North Carolina fire investigator Crystal Eschert was recently fired from her job for supposedly posting “offensive”  comments to her private Facebook page in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. […]

America Sides With the Cops

January 20, 2015 AFP 1

• Democrats may have taken a serious blow for supporting rioters, thugs. By Patrick J. Buchanan — For the third time, the cops of the New York Police Department (NYPD) have turned their backs on […]

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