The Real Reason Holder Quit

October 4, 2014 AFP 7

By Keith Johnson — On September 25, 2014, Attorney General Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. officially tendered his resignation as President Barack Hussein Obama’s chief prosecutor, two days after he was ordered by United States District […]

Local Police Rejecting Free U.S. Military Gear

September 27, 2014 AFP 1

• Under pressure from locals, police departments across America start returning military hardware to Army. By Keith Johnson — Have Americans finally grown tired of watching their local peace officers transform into battle-ready soldiers? Throughout […]

Take On Police State Now, Says Author

September 16, 2014 AFP 6

AFP BOOK REVIEW • Gutsy Virginian details raft of shocking police-state abuses. • Warns that checks on executive branch must be restored. By John Tiffany — Many spokesmen in the patriot movement make a habit […]


September 16, 2014 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Former Arizona Sheriff Richard I. Mack, best known for his landmark victory lawsuit against the Clinton administration’s illegal application of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, more commonly referred to as the […]

U.S. Army Preparing for Civil Unrest

September 5, 2014 AFP 7

• Feds unveil Army manual that permits use of troops on “rebellious” Americans. By Keith Johnson — The paramilitary response to the race riots in Ferguson, Missouri is a stark reminder of the ever-blurring distinction […]

Racial Blackmail

September 1, 2014 AFP 9

• African-American radicals offer message to white America: Put white cop on trial and convict him or we’ll make blacks riot. By Victor Thorn — Despite clear, overwhelming evidence that on August 9, 2014, a […]

Bankers Suck Lifeblood from Argentina

August 27, 2014 AFP 1

• Argentine people battling piratical plutocrats behind economic genocide of nation. By Ronald L. Ray — Paul Singer is not a nice guy. The Jewish billionaire head of Elliott Management Corp. and a few mega-rich […]

Whistleblower Has NSA Quaking

August 25, 2014 AFP 0

• U.S. and western intelligence agencies fear Snowden has even more earth-shattering secret information to reveal. By Richard Walker — It’s been well over a year since media outlets first reported in June, 2013 on […]

Comments Are Now Available Under Every Article

August 23, 2014 AFP 0

Comments are now available under every article on this website. Please post responsibly. All posts containing SPAM will be deleted ASAP. AMERICAN FREE PRESS will never censor comments based on the political or ideological point […]

Americans Take to the Streets Over Alien Invasion

August 12, 2014 AFP 0

• Across U.S., citizens protest insane immigration policy adopted by Obama, Holder.  By John Friend — RAMONA, Calif.—During the past week, the crisis along the United States-Mexico border and the invasion of America by illegal […]

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