Bilderberg 2015 Dates Confirmed

March 20, 2015 AFP 3

• Meanwhile, sheer irony abounds regarding ‘buzz’ over the Logan Act. By Mark Anderson — Amid rumors and various online reports that typically fail to quote specific sources directly, police in western Austria have directly […]

Massive U.S. Aquifer Threatened

March 11, 2015 AFP 2

• Ogallala Aquifer could be poisoned by fracking wastewater well in Nebraska. By Ronald L. Ray — “Oil and water don’t mix.” That saying receives new meaning in light of a proposed disposal well for oil […]

Washington’s Anti-Russia Campaign

March 10, 2015 AFP 7

• D.C. leads charge to neuter world’s largest Christian nation. By Richard Walker — A new Gallup poll showing Americans see Russia as this nation’s public enemy number one has confirmed the extent to which […]

Net Neutrality: Obamacare for the Internet

March 1, 2015 AFP 4

By Victor Thorn — Do United States citizens want an Internet czar or a new federal agency that oversees cyberspace? America’s Internet, one of the most astounding innovations in history, isn’t broken, yet the Federal […]

Boston Marathon Bombing Exploded, Pre-Trial

February 28, 2015 AFP 5

By Victor Thorn — In a blockbuster 1997 film Wag the Dog, Robert De Niro plays a fixer extraordinaire who’s summoned to the White House after a potential front-page scandal threatens to sink the president’s […]

Gaza Strip Created in U.S. Southwest

February 23, 2015 AFP 5

• Israeli military arms manufacturers provide border security for America. By Ronald L. Ray — Why are Israeli companies heavily involved in the United States federal government’s alleged efforts to “close” our unprotected borders and […]

Israeli Flag Flies in Texas

February 23, 2015 AFP 13

By Trevor LaBonte — AUSTIN, Texas—“Blessed are you, Lord God, Creator of the Universe. You have supplied us all that we need for life and productivity. I pray that you will bless Israel, especially in […]

Free Speech Debate Ignited Over Firewoman’s Firing

February 15, 2015 AFP 10

By Tarrah Baptista — Charlotte, North Carolina fire investigator Crystal Eschert was recently fired from her job for supposedly posting “offensive”  comments to her private Facebook page in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. […]

Report Details CIA, Military Barbarity

January 26, 2015 AFP 2

• Gruesome torture practices reveal U.S. government as massive criminal enterprise. WARNING: This report is not for the fainthearted. Readers who might be easily disturbed by descriptions of savage cruelty are asked to proceed with […]

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