Is Trump a Populist or a Pro-Zionist Spoiler?

October 19, 2015 AFP 13

• The Donald appears in commercial endorsing Israeli leader, but says Saddam, Qadaffi should not have been removed. By AFP Staff — Donald J. Trump, as this newspaper has reported, has clarified views that resonate […]

N.C. Police Chief Ousted for Having an Opinion

September 28, 2015 AFP 6

• North Carolina lawman forced to retire after saying radical black activists were “domestic terrorists.” By John Friend — A police chief in a small North Carolina beach community has been forced to retire in […]

U.S. Art of War: Nuclear Weapons Legal

September 15, 2015 AFP 1

• New U.S. war manual OKs nukes, drones, lasers, civilian deaths, DU weapons. By Mark Anderson — In a lengthy new manual on war released over the summer, the Pentagon has officially authorized the use […]

War With Russia Looks Likely

September 1, 2015 AFP 17

• U.S. caught moving men, materiel to Russian border. By Richard Walker — While the mainstream media in the United States fixated on a war of words between Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and […]

Rothschild’s IMF May Be Erased

August 31, 2015 AFP 3

• BRICS create “New Silken World Order” to bypass West’s monetary stranglehold. By Ronald L. Ray — In July, world-changing events occurred, portending the approaching end of Zionist-Anglo-American financial and geopolitical hegemony, but they were […]

Prison Cell, Not Oval Office for Hillary?

August 31, 2015 AFP 0

• FBI criminal investigation of Clinton should uncover multiple serious felonies. By Victor Thorn — What is the likelihood that Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton could end up behind bars for storing top-secret files on […]

People’s Billionaire?

August 31, 2015 AFP 8

• Is Donald Trump America’s savior or a plutocratic shill? By Christopher Petherick — Is billionaire Republican presidential candidate Donald John Trump a man of the people worth endorsing, or is he playing a part in […]

U.S. Gov’t Going After Vets’ Guns

August 29, 2015 AFP 2

• FBI, VA, HHS, BATFE collude on scheme to steal guns from veterans. By Ronald L. Ray — In an effort to disarm millions of United States citizens without due process of law, the Federal […]

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