The Establishment Is In a Panic

October 26, 2016 AFP Editor 6

Following the last debate on Oct. 19, the establishment has been in a tizzy over statements made by Donald Trump, who said he would not accept defeat to Hillary Clinton. The fear is that this […]

Supreme Court a Danger to Nation

October 23, 2016 AFP Editor 4

A new book details how Supreme Court justices have subverted the U.S. Constitution and supplanted Congress as the “supreme law of the land”—and why we should all be worried. This matter is of extreme importance […]

Black Pastor: Abandon the Democrats

October 9, 2016 AFP Editor 4

A coalition of black church leaders is seeking a “reckoning of conscience” among black Americans, arguing that the Democrats have hurt the poor by enslaving them on social welfare programs and by placing government above […]

Vote Hacking: Is Russia Being Set Up?

October 4, 2016 AFP Editor 3

The mainstream media has been spreading the deception that Vladimir Putin ordered the hack of U.S. voter databases. The truth is, it could have been any hackers from anywhere around the world, including even ones […]

How to Start a War With the Russians

September 15, 2016 AFP Editor 7

In one of the most dumbfounding displays of militaristic insanity and sophistic stupidity we have ever read, a former NATO general and a Polish arms consultant have co-authored a highly subjective July 2016 foreign policy […]

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