Who’s After Golan Heights Riches?

April 4, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Prominent American neocons and the state of Israel have their eyes on Syrian energy reserves. By Richard Walker A planned push by U.S. senators to recognize Israel’s claim to the Golan Heights hides an effort […]

Israeli Accountability Begins Now

March 31, 2019 AFP Editor 2

Spying for the Israeli government has turned into a “get-out-of-jail-free card.” By Philip Giraldi Recently returning to the U.S. on a flight from Venice, too-bored-to-read syndrome drove me to watch a movie. I chose “Bohemian […]

Supreme Court Can Right Past Wrongs

March 29, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Will the Bladensburg, Md. Peace Cross be the next Christian symbol to be ripped down? The American Humanist Association is working toward that end. Now, the fate of this memorial to World War I veterans […]

Local Sheriffs Striking Back

March 11, 2019 AFP Editor 1

In the front-page story of American Free Press Issue 11 & 12, mailed out March 8 and available online now for digital subscribers, Dave Gahary reports on local sheriffs who are creating “sanctuary counties” for […]

Deep State’s Favorite Conspiracy

March 8, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Much to the Deep State’s chagrin, two years of intense investigation have turned up nothing to warrant ousting Trump. By Donald Jeffries The same mainstream media that has scoffed at any and all “conspiracy theories” […]

Who Is Kamala Harris?

February 27, 2019 AFP Editor 2

The senator and former California attorney general who recently announced her candidacy for the 2020 presidential election faces real questions about her record as a prosecutor. By S.T. Patrick As the California attorney general sat […]

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