The Deep State vs. Gen. Michael Flynn

December 7, 2019 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries Lt. General Michael Flynn stood out from all the rest of Donald Trump’s putrid, longtime insider appointments to his cabinet. Flynn seemed to be the closest thing to an outsider in the […]

Journalist Arrested in Washington

December 3, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Free speech hypocrisy abounds as the left ignores mistreatment of another newsman. By S.T. Patrick On Oct. 25, Max Blumenthal, the editor of independent news website “The Grayzone” and a frequent contributor to “Consortium News,” […]

Free Speech on the Ropes

December 2, 2019 AFP Editor 8

Is criticism of Israel already an official hate crime in America? By Philip Giraldi One subject that congressmen and the mainstream media tend to avoid is the erosion of fundamental liberties in the United States […]

Stop Poisoning Water With Fluoride

November 16, 2019 AFP Editor 6

Activists are battling in court to stop a powerful federal agency from fluoridating our water. By Mark Anderson The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that fluoride prevents cavities, a long-cited but widely disproven “benefit” of […]

Founders Battled Over Impeachment

November 14, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Ridding America of its Executive extends to the founding fathers. By S.T. Patrick It’s difficult to imagine Ben Franklin, James Madison, and Patrick Henry concerned with impeachment. The infant newspapers of the day, including the […]

U.S. Bill of Rights Turns 230

November 8, 2019 AFP Editor 2

The government routinely ignores the key tenets of this historic rights document. By John W. Whitehead It’s been 230 years since James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights—the first 10 amendments to the Constitution—as a […]

Impeach Kavanaugh?

November 2, 2019 AFP Editor 0

By S.T. Patrick In a blatantly partisan move that would continue to set precedents in the midst of our national political superstorm, Democrats have been very outspoken about the desire to impeach Justice Brett Kavanaugh […]

Fake News MSM Does CIA’s Bidding

October 29, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The New York Times admits that U.S. government approves what stories go into the rag. By S.T. Patrick The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of the press. The Bill of Rights was added […]

U.S. Universities Bow to Pressure

October 24, 2019 AFP Editor 2

President Trump’s Education Department now says that protesting Israel is a “hate crime.” Incredibly many colleges and universities are bowing to pressure to limit activities of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. By Philip Giraldi […]

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