AFP in Oregon: Standoff

January 13, 2016 AFP 6

By John Friend — BURNS, Oregon—A protest taking place at an occupied federal facility in southeastern Oregon has entered its second week as AMERICAN FREE PRESS goes to press. The standoff currently taking place at […]

Zionists Have Sights on Syria; U.S. Snubs Putin’s Plan

November 30, 2015 AFP 2

• Destruction of Syria would eliminate last hope of freedom for Palestinians. By Olga M. Marinova — Russians are reacting angrily to a neoconservative-and Zionist-sponsored hearing in Congress entitled “U.S. Policy After Russia’s Escalation in […]

War in Syria? Where Is Speaker Ryan?

November 5, 2015 AFP 0

By Patrick J. Buchanan — “The United States is being sucked into a new Middle East war,” says The New York Times. And the Times has it exactly right. Despite repeated pledges not to put […]

The Population Control Conspiracy

September 19, 2015 AFP 8

• New book by Jim Marrs exposes deadly corporate agenda against humanity. By John Tiffany — Does the world need population control, or does it need corporation control? According to Jim Marrs in his new […]

Israel & Germany: An Abusive Relationship

July 26, 2015 AFP 4

• Israeli spokeswoman’s remarks reveal exploitation. By Ronald L. Ray — On June 25, Israeli daily Ha’aretz published a stunning story, revealing the Jewish terrorist state’s heretofore unspoken manipulation of Germany for the former’s own […]

Hypocrite McCain Has No Right to Criticize Trump

July 21, 2015 AFP 5

The following excerpt is from veteran John “Top” Holland’s book, PERFIDY: The Government Cabal That Knowingly Abandoned Our Prisoners of War and Left Them to Die, published by AMERICAN FREE PRESS to document the history […]

People Suspicious About ‘Jade’

July 20, 2015 AFP 5

By John Friend — Shuttered Walmarts. Martial law. Gun confiscation. Rounding up dissidents. FEMA camps. Total tyranny. These are some of the concerns and allegations being made about Operation Jade Helm 15, one of the […]


July 13, 2015 AFP 3

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Although June was undoubtedly not a good month for Americans proud of the heritage, culture and traditions ensconced in this country, founded and made successful by white northern Europeans over four centuries […]

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